Part 6: Shopping

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*Karl POV*

I'm still shaken by the things y/n told me earlier, but that's behind me. Who could do that to someone? Especially to a sweet, innocent, smart girl like y/n. Its sad.

We got in the car ready to go shopping that day. I got a call from Jimmy.

"We don't need you today, we were doing something outside but it looks like it's about to storm so we're canceling. That's all!" Jimmy said.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know." I said.

I hung up. y/n gave me the most confused look ever.

"Just the beast man letting me know he was canceling today." I said.

"Okay." She said.

We got to the store and seen her manager.

"y/n what are you doing? You have to work today!" Chase yelled in her face.

"Not anymore, I quit." She said.

We continued walking and got everything she needed to stay with me for a while. Why does she have to be so honking beautiful all the time? I just realized she was wearing my favorite hoodie.

"Hey, y/n you know thats my favorite hoodie right?" I say with a smile.

"Oh, do you want me to take it off?" She asked.

"No, keep it. It looks really good on you." I said smiling.

She smiled back. I scanned her body and realized she needed new shoes. I took her to the shoe aisle and got her a pair of Vans, Air Forces, Jordans, Converse, and Crocs.

"I think you're spoiling me Karl." She says laughing.

"Just wait, thats not everything." I say staring at her.

I got her some American Eagle, Hollister, and more sweatpants (cause she likes them for some reason idk why). Once we finished up, and everything was checked out the total was $3,402⁹⁸. I smiled. Money is nothing when it comes to her.


Hellloo how are y'all? hope youre liking the story so far. doing this at 3:30 am so sorry if it's terrible. it's shorter too. sorry :(

word count: 341

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