Part 23: Girls Night Out!

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*y/n POV*

I smiled and Karl noticed.

"You wanna go with them?" He asked.

"Mhm." I said smiling.

"Okay. I love you. Have fun." He said.

"I love you too, and I will." I said smiling.

"Niki, what's up with Clay? Why does he want Karl gone?" I ask.

"It's from where Karl gave him an anxiety attack from what he said." She said.

"Oh. No one knows what Karl said to me earlier?" I ask.

"No?" They say.

"He said he loves me and everyone here loves me and that he will protect me until his final breath." I said.

"AWWWEEEE!!" They said in sync.

"We do love you y/n. We always will!" Minx said.

"Thanks girls." I said.

"Of course." They said.

We got ready to go out and I brought my speaker and played my rock playlist.

"This is Cut Throat by Fame On Fire, it's my favorite song. It reminds me of my step-dad." I said.

Fuck you!

"Yup, sounds like it." Minx said.

Niki laughed.

"Minx, you should ask out Chandler." Niki said.

"I'm sorry, who's idea was this?" I say smiling.

"Niki's." They both point.

"Niki. You're gonna have one of my best friends ask out my brother-in-law?" I say laughing.

"Well Chandler seems to like her, and Minx seems to like him so, I thought it'd work." Niki said.

"Worth a shot I guess. Chandler is so fucking unpredictable though so I couldn't tell you what I think he'd say." I say shrugging my shoulders.

We walk to a local park and hang out and talk for a few hours.

"We should play truth or dare, but a scary version. Since it's almost 3 am." Minx says.

"Oooh good idea." Drista says.

"Niki, truth or dare?" I ask.

"dare." She says.

"I dare you to walk into that forest over there." I say.

"Okay." Niki says walking into the forest.

A few seconds later she screams and runs out.

"Niki?" I ask.

"Get your stuff there's someone in there chasing me." She says running.

We all scream and run. We ran all the way home, the person following us home.

"Clay! Karl! Wilbur! Chandler! Help us!" We all yell.

"What the honk?" Karl opens the door.

He seen the guy and let us in fast.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Clay said coming downstairs.

The figure was in the doorway lighting. I hid behind Clay since he was bigger and taller than Karl.

"What do we do?" I ask Clay.

"Just stay there." He says.

Karl was staring at Clay and he seemed more calm and comfortable with it.

"That's why we don't like you going out late at night like this." Clay said.

I look at Clay, and hug him. He hugged me back.

*Clay POV*

She turned around and hugged me. I started getting butterflies again. I looked at Karl with an innocent smile. He looked back at me with an innocent smile back.

*Karl POV*

He looked over at me. I looked at him and smiled.

I'm glad they were getting along. Now the problem was he and I getting along like nothing ever happened. But how would that be possible? He kissed my girlfriend. That pissed me off so much. I hated it. But I had to learn to live with it. I have to get along with him.


hi more chapters otw :)

word count: 572

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