Part 26: Confessions and Consequences

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I didn't know what to think. It's on my mind 24/7 now.

"Niki, can I talk to you in private?" I say.

"Sure." She says.

They were blaring music from the side by sides so they couldn't hear us.

"I have a confession." I said.

"Okay." She says.

"I think I'm starting to like Clay. I've been trying to push feelings for him away, but ever since he kissed me, I've had butterflies around him." I say looking at the ground.

"Oh. Im speechless." She says.

"Yeah. Please don't tell anyone." I plead.

"I won't. I promise." She said.

*Niki POV*

I can't believe she's starting to like him. She swears up and down that her love for Karl will never go away, but if she's starting to like Clay, there's something else going on that she isn't telling anyone. I keep my word, so I'm not gonna tell anyone. Plus, I've been friends with her for 10 years now. If she can't trust me, I don't know who she can trust.

"y/n, Niki, let's go." Clay yells.

"Coming!" We both shout.

"Pinky promise?" She asks.

"Pinky promise." I say.

I don't ever break pinky promises. If I was about to get killed, I still wouldn't say. That's how important they are to me and y/n.

We go over to the guys.

"What were you talking about?" Clay says.

"It was nothing." I say.

y/n looks at me and smiles.

"Okay then. Let's go." He says.

Minx and Drista catch up to us.

"So, whats up?" Drista asks.

"Nothing, Drista. Leave her alone." I say.

"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me." She said.

"Oh my god, shut up Drista!" I yell.

"Clay, get your sister." I say.

"Drista, get your tiny ass over here!" He yells.

I laugh. He looks at y/n and smiles.

Oh, I can imagine the butterflies.

It was about 7:30 when we got back to the motorsports place. We turned everything in and went home.

"Where do you girls want to eat?" I asked.

"Somewhere nice." y/n said.

"Okay." I said.

I looked for about 5 minutes and found a place called Amy's Diner. It was a fancy diner, not like one you'd see on the side of the road. It was closed off by trees and had a very fancy menu.

"I'll call the guys and let them know to get ready." Minx says.

"Okay." I say.

I reserved for 9:00 pm because by the time everyone gets showers and ready, it'll be at least 8:30.

We got home and started getting ready.

*y/n POV*

I got a shower and did my hair.

"is it formal?" I yell.

"Yes." Niki yells laughing.

I bought a tight black dress that goes down to my thighs and has ties on the sides. I wore my Converse to match. I come out of my room looking as good as the other girls.

"Wow. Love the look." Minx said.

"Thanks." I say.

Drista wore a blue dress that faded into a light gray. Minx wore a purple dress to match he hair. Niki wore a white dress that faded into pink with her pink and white Jordans to match.

"Let's go." I say.

Clay walked upstairs in a partially unbuttoned dress shirt, showing a bit of his chest. I caught myself staring.

"Hey." He said.

"Love the outfit Clay." I say without thinking.

"Thanks. You look stunning as well." He says laughing a little.

Oh the butterflies started going.

We got in the car and went to the restaurant. We got seated and the waiter brought us our drinks.

"Minx, tell us something about yourself." Karl says.

"Okay um, I used to be in a rock band! I played drums." She says.

"What? That's unbelievable!" I say.

"Niki can play guitar really well." She said.

Niki laughed. We finished our food and left.

"What is it like having a boyfriend and crush at the same time?" Niki asked.

"Miserable." I say.

"Do you think you're gonna tell Karl anytime soon?" She asked.

"No. I can't tell him. He's too innocent. I'll break his heart. I don't wanna do that. You know something about breaking someone's heart Niki?" I say.

"What?" She says.

"If you break someone else's heart, you're broken yourself. You see it as freeing yourself. From pain." I say.

"Oh." She said.

"That's why I have to get rid of my feelings for Clay. Fast. Or I'm gonna be more miserable because I have to live with it." I say.

"It's okay. Think about how much you love Karl. Forget about Clay." She says hugging me.

I hug her back.

"I heard my name." Clay said walking to us.

"Go." Niki said.

"Whats up with her?" Clay asks.

"Go away Clay." I say.

"Tell me whats up. I'll annoy you." He says.

"That's the problem. You are annoying. She's trying to get over something, but every time she hears your voice or sees you, it comes back to her. She is miserable because of you! You ruined the trip for her the day after it started. You kissed her, knowing she's dating Karl. Everyone knows you like her. Well, news flash, she doesn't like you back. She loves Karl. The whole 10 years I've known her, she has been miserable with people coming and leaving, stabbing her in the back. If you want to try to find a way way get rid of Karl, like you've been saying, and get to her yourself, you have to get past Minx, Drista and I. I wouldn't try it either because we're all already pissed enough." Niki said.

She caused a scene in the parking lot.

"Clay, lay off. They're mean when they're mad." Wilbur said.

"Sorry. I'll try not to ruin anything else." He said.

Anything else? He's ruined so much already. I want Karl. I thought, crying.

"Where's Karl?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"Karl!" Minx shouts.

"KARL?!" Jimmy shouted.

"Where is Karl?" Toby asked.


ooh cliffhanger. it's about 11:00 pm in this setting. love y'all, stay well.

word count: 1,028

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