Part 7: Skating

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We went home and put everything away and it was about 2:30. We stayed home for a while and left when it was about 5:30.

"It starts at 6:30 y/n." I said.

"What is 'it'?" She asked confused.

"You'll see." I say.

We got there and I got out of the car. She followed me in.

"Hope you know how to skate." I said.

"Nope. Not a clue." She said laughing.

"I can teach you. I've been skating since I was young." I say.

"Okay." She said.

I pulled her on with me and she just went with it. She grabbed my hand and I immediately got butterflies in my stomach.

"It's okay, just balance." I said.

She kept her balance and stayed up more and more each time we went around.

"All right everyone, couple skate, 2 people only, if you don't have a partner I ask you to please get off the floor. Couple skate." A voice said.

"Wanna stay on?" I ask.

She looked me in the eyes with the look of 'I'm tired but sure'. I seen her eyes sparkle, which I'm pretty sure made my cheeks red. She held my hand the whole time and the butterflies kept flying around in my stomach. She was beautiful. Her dirty blonde hair loosely waving around, her sky blue eyes studying my face.

"Wanna get off now?" She asked.

"Sure, if you do." I said.

She shook her head yes and we got off to go get drinks. We sat down and she drank hers so quickly I have no clue how she didn't get a brain freeze.

"Your tongue is blue." She said giggling.

"Yours is purple. I said, giggling back.

We skated around a few more hours until it was time for speed skate. We decided to leave then because it was already 11:00. we got home at about 11:30 and I got out before her.

"Come on." I said.

"Everything hurts." She said.

She took my hand again and I helped her out of the car. We got in and sat for a little while talking.

"Karl, can I lay with you for a little?" She asked.

"Um. Sure." I said.

The butterflies started fluttering around again. She took my hand and brought me to my room. She sat down.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"I wanna talk about earlier. You were checking me out." She said smiling.

"I was?" I said nervously. I knew I was.

"Yeah, you were looking at my body. I'll be honest I kinda liked it." She said.

"You did?" I asked, stuttering.

I was lost in the moment. She was something to look at that's for sure. Something about it just feels different though. I don't know what though.

"Yeah I did." She said. "You know something else?" She asked.

"What?" I asked nervously..


Ah a cliffhanger. nice. I hate them but love them at the same time. here's one for you guys :)

word count: 506

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