Part 13: Bad News, Bad News

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*y/n POV*

I wake up in Karl's bed to see a note on my nightstand.

It read:

Hey baby, I had to leave to get a few things, be back soon, I love you

Love, Karl

I didn't know what to do. I got up, and took a shower. I put on a Hollister crop top I bought and some American Eagle jeans with rips on the front and back. I put on my Jordans to match. I perfected my outfit by doing a perfect cat eye and mascara. I got a text.

Karl <3: hey baby u up?

me: yup.

Karl <3: i have news.

me: good or bad?

Karl <3: bad :(

me: ok what's up?

does he want to break up? did I do something wrong? oh no.

Karl <3: your parents are...dead.

me: WHAT??????

Karl <3: yea, im sorry, pls dont cry.

me: it's ok, just come home.

Karl <3: ok

⚠️self harm⚠️

I grabbed a knife and ran upstairs. I traced the knife on my wrists. one cut, two cuts, three cuts, four cuts. I bled, and my wrists turned red. I heard the door shut. I traced the knife up and down my ankles. Until I felt the satisfaction of the blade cutting my skin, and the blood running off the edge of the knife.

"y/n where are you?" Karl yelled.

I dropped the knife. Tears running down my face as I remember my childhood. Karl came into the room.

"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU OKAY??" Karl asked pleading for an answer.

"Karl?" I said softly.

"Please tell me what happened?" He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

My vision started going black. I didn't know what happened. All I know is that I gained a lot more scars that night than I wanted to.


I'm sorry for the cliffhanger guys, my story is getting close to being over ;-;. I didn't think I would find a place in writing but it's actually very relaxing.

stay safe y'all 🙏

word count: 343

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