Part 19: Trust...?

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*Clay POV*

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*Clay POV*

I felt so bad. I shouldn't have done that, and now I feel sick. I hope she doesn't tell anyone or they'll tell Karl, and I'll be deader than dead.

I felt sick to my stomach. I went to bed feeling horrible. I was gonna cry.

"I'm so stupid." I whispered to myself.

I looked in the mirror at myself. I didn't even see myself the same. She was on my mind and I sleep alone, so I cried until I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up, y/n was up and so was Karl, Minx, Niki, and Drista.

I fucked up so badly.

I walked out to see y/n talking to Karl in the kitchen and the girls all around her. I seen Karl look at me, my heart shot up to my throat. I heard footsteps and a slight knock.

"Come in." I said, my voice still deep and raspy from where I woke up.

Karl walked in. I sat in the corner of my room, my eyes still red from where I didn't barely sleep last night.

Karl sat down on my bed. He looked at me, but he didn't seem mad.

"Clay?" He said in a voice almost a whisper.

"What?" I said, almost crying again.

"Whats going on?" He asked.

"I lost myself. Okay?" I said knowing he knew.

"It's not gonna be a problem, unless it happens again. She tells me it happened again, your head is mine." He said straightforward.

"Okay it won't. I promise." I say.

He left the room.

I'm so fucking stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I was pacing back and forth. I didn't know what to do.

My anxiety's getting the best of me.

"Drista.." I try to yell.

I try again but nothing comes out. What's wrong with me? My breathing was heavy. My vision was going blurry.

"Drista!" I finally called out.

Drista came running to my room.

"He's having an anxiety attack!" She yelled.

My vision went black.

I woke up in my bed, Big Q and Wilbur sitting next to me.

"He's awake!" Wilbur yells.

Drista came running in and hugged me. Karl watched me from a distance. He got up.

"Can I talk to Clay in private?" Karl asked.

Everyone cleared the room.

"It's gonna take a little bit for me to trust you again. You know that right?" He asked.

"Yes. I understand. You can watch me around her." I say.

"I'm going to." He says.

He walks out again, leaving me alone.

I get up and it's 10 am.

"Jesus Christ, I've had my day already." I say to Jimmy, walking down the hall.

"What happened? I heard all the commotion but no one would tell me." He says.

"I kissed y/n last night, not meaning to and I barely got any sleep. I wake up and Karl comes in and talks to me, says something that gives me an anxiety attack and then he talked to me again after that and- I'm just done with today already." I say.

"He doesn't like anyone being around her. He's a little bit overprotective sometimes if I'm being honest." Jimmy says.

"Yeah, it seems like it." I say.

*y/n POV*

I still trust Clay. I don't like the fact that he knew I'm dating Karl but he still decided to kiss me. Karl doesn't trust him, but I see him as a friend and a friend only.

I look at Karl and he looks at me.

"I don't trust Clay." He said.

"I still do, I just believe it was wrong for him to do that. I pulled away anyway. I should've left when he called me pretty." I said.

He took his eyes off of me.

"I'll leave you two alone, but if he does anything, tell me immediately okay?" He says.

"Okay." I say.

*Karl POV*

I can't believe she still trusts him after that. I took a picture of y/n in front of a Bugatti she found, and posted it on her Instagram.


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y/n.official supercar hottie 😍

karljacobs_: hottie is right 😍
catissocool: y/n X Karl Jacobs???
karljacobs_: before anyone asks, yes we are a couple. she stole my heart

-time skip to about 12:30-

"So I guess we're going to this Waterpark? I don't know what's on today's agenda." I say.

"Shit, my stuff is still at the hotel!" y/n says.

Chandler looked at y/n.

"Sis what's going on?" Chandler asks.

"Chan, my stuff is still at the hotel, can you go get it for me? You can drive my Lambo." She says.

"Oh okay, bet!" He says, taking the key out of her hand.

I laugh.

"The purple suitcase, Chandler!" She yells.

"Got it!" He yells back.

y/n rolled her eyes. This is gonna be one crazy trip. it's only day 2 and so much honking stuff has happened already.

*y/n POV*

We got back to Dream's house and we do our separate things to get ready.

"Karl!" I yell.

"Yeah, y/n?" He says.

He walked in the room. His jaw dropped.

"Oh. my. god." He says.



word count: 876

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