Part 10: The Video

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I walked into the warehouse, Karl right behind me. Jimmy (a.k.a) Mr.Beast, said we were doing a video today. He started his intro.

"Whats up guys, today we have another challenge." Jimmy said.

I look at Karl with a worried look.

"It'll be okay, just don't panic. I'm sure since it's your first time he'll go easy on you." He said.

"Today's challenge is Last to take your hand off Lamborghini keeps it." Jimmy said.

I look at Karl again.

"I told you, y/n." He said.

"Go get everything you need. You have one hour. Starting NOW!" Jimmy said.

"Go go go." I say running to Karl's car.

I put on my seatbelt as he jumped in the car.

"Put on Dream's speed running music." Karl said.

I put on speed running music and we stopped at our first place. I ran in and got a bunch of different foods. Karl grabbed drinks.

"Okay get everything checked out and I'll start putting it in the car." I said.

The total rounded out to $423³⁵.

We finished our rounds to all the stores and came back to the warehouse. Everyone else was already back and we were ready to start the challenge.

"Pick your partners and choose who will have their hand on the car." Jimmy said.

I look at Karl. He looks at me.

"I think you should do it since you don't have a car, and I can help you." Karl said.

"Awwe that's so sweet." I said.

I put my hand on the car and the challenge started.

"No turning back now." I said straight faced to Karl. He laughed.

He walked over to me and kissed me.

"I'm here if you need anything okay?" Karl whispered to me.

"Okay." I say smiling.

-time skip to 3 people remaining-

"There are three people remaining. We have y/n, Chris, and Chandler. Let's hear from the contestants. Chandler how do you feel?" Jimmy asked walking to Chandler.

"I'm tired, but I want this Lamborghini." Chandler said.

"Okay then." Jimmy said, little hesitation in his voice.

He walked to Chris.

"How you feeling Chris?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm tired, hungry, and I have to pee. Other than that I'm all good." He said.

Jimmy walked to me.

"What about you, are you okay y/n?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm perfectly fine. I'm a little hungry but Karl's got me covered. I'm set to win this." I said with courage.

Chris takes his hand off the car, and walks to Jimmy.

"I'm done I have to go to the bathroom really bad." He said.

"Okay, that leaves y/n and Chandler." Jimmy said.

"Come on, y/n you got this!" Karl yelled.

I looked at him and smiled.

*Karl POV*

She had it. I knew she did. Chandler looked like he was about to fall on the floor. I didn't think such a perfect, beautiful, amazing girl like y/n would fall for someone like me. I never thought I could call her mine. I kept getting lost in my thoughts. I wanted something with her. I wanted my life with her.

"y/n WINS!" Jimmy yelled.

"What the honk, y/n you won!" I yelled.

She came running to me. I picked her up and spun her around.

"The keys are yours y/n." Jimmy said, handing her the keys.

"I can't speak." She said. I laughed.

She got in it and started the engine. A low tone purr came from the rear. I got in next to her.

"Thank you Karl. None of this would be possible without you." She said smiling.

"You're welcome." I said smiling back.

"Karl?" She said looking nervous.

"y/n?" I said.

"I love you." She said.

I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to think. It just kept replaying in my mind.

"I love you." I said looking at her.


heyy how are y'all? should I do more like this? love y'all

word count: 666 😈

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