Loyalty is Law

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You put your trust in a nigga stupid hoe how you figure ? he won't fuck your best friend & your sister . Lie to you , then screw ya & get mad if his homeboys do ya ... blasted through the speakers of club Hustle. On her fourth shot of patron Vanessa danced to the music with her best friend Ashley. "Wanna take Ecstasy ?" Vanessa nodded her head while taking the pill from her best friend & swallowing it with her shot . She was on one tonight . After finding out not only did Sheldon fuck this bitch Alexis . She's pregnant and claiming him to be the father . Vanessa was hurt , angry & felt betrayed by her best friend . Zoning out Vanessa went back to the day she found out the truth .....

After the club grand opening the next morning Vanessa woke up , she meant what she said when she said she wanted the truth . She decided against going to Alexis house and hired an private investigator. " Vanessa your not going to like this .. but i think Sheldon got this girl pregnant i followed him all day like you asked and they were at the doctor for an doctors
appointment .He was rubbing her belly as they walked in and that's all i saw ."That's all Vanessa need to hear . Hanging up the phone Vanessa was livid ! Making her way to her home . Vanessa slammed her door as she got out of her Range Rover Sheldon got her for her birthday. Slamming the front door as she made it inside Vanessa made her way to Sheldon's office knowing that's were he would be since his car was out front . Bussing the door open to his office Sheldon stared at his wife . "Is there a reason you almost broke my fucking door off!?" Running over to her husband Vanessa quickly punched him in the face arms everywhere , " I hate you ! not only did you cheat on me you got a fucking stripper pregnant ! After everything we've been through you do this to me !? Vanessa cried . Sheldon look at Vanessa shocked . Almost asking her how she found out , but knowing his crazy wife she would find out anything pertaining to him . "I'm sorry Vanessa i slipped up i was drunk ! the baby might not even be mines that's why i didn't wanna tell you . Done crying over her ain't shit as husband Vanessa got up off of him . "I hope it was worth it ." Vanessa said , as she made her way out of his office into their master bedroom . Moving Quickly before her husband could stop her Vanessa packed her a bag and was out the door . That was a week ago...

Breaking her out of her flash back Ashley tapped her . " You girls? you've been gone for a minute."Smiling Vanessa nodded her head . "Let's take more shots . Bartender bring the shots", Vanessa screamed over the loud music. The girls took the shots before Vanessa spotted Alexis up in VIP with some other girls . "Vanessa try to stay calm she isn't worth it ." Ashley tried to convince her best friend , but the alcohol and x was kicking in . Vanessa was still pissed & decided to go check the bitch .

Making her way through the crowd the girls approached Alexis and her friends . Alexis smiled at Vanessa . Knocking the smile right off her face Vanessa punched her to the ground . Before climbing on top of her Vanessa grabbed her hair slamming her head into the table . Knowing not to jump in her friends stood there knowing her husbands reputation . With all her strength Ashley tried getting Vanessa off of Alexis before she killed the girl. "Alexis she's pregnant , you don't wanna go to jail she's not worth it !" Ashley screamed while trying to get Vanessa off of her the girl . That didn't stop Vanessa she was hurt and blacked out . She continued punching Alexis until the ghost she hadn't seen in weeks due to her ignoring him and leaving home .

Sheldon grabbed his wife bear hugging her to stop her from damn near killing Alexis . He knew he fucked up , but he would rather her do this to him . Alexis didn't deserved this in his eyes . He also didn't want the world in their business . Holding Vanessa in a tight gripped he escorted his wife to his office , while security helped Alexis to medical assist .

Soon as Sheldon let Vanessa go she slapped him as hard as she could . Quickly grabbing both of her arms and pinning her to the wall . Sheldon screamed , " I'm sorry baby ! let's work this out i fucked up but this not the way ." Vanessa calmed down in her husband arms she started crying hysterically. "Why Sheldon?" she asked over and over again .

" I was drunk baby , i know it's not no excuse and i apologize . I wanna work this out i'm willing to give you your space until your able to make a decision but i don't like seeing you like this ." Vanessa moved her husbands arms from around her and made her way into his office bathroom . Looking into the mirror Vanessa cried harder . She was hurt but knew she loved her husband and didn't want to leave him .

Taking a makeup wipe out of her purse Vanessa wiped off her makeup . It was ruined anyways due to her crying . Taking her brush out she brushed her hair into a high ponytail . She thought to herself she didn't want to ruin her family . They had kids together .

Exiting the bathroom Vanessa looked over at her husband who was sitting in his office chair smoking a blunt looking stressed out .
Walking over to him , he looked up at his wife . Taking him out of deep thought he gently grabbed her hands sitting her on his lap. She didn't protest . Wrapping his arms around his wife he kissed her neck ."I'm sorry baby , i'll spent the rest of my life making it up to you."

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