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Vanessa POV ..

"Welcome Mrs. Wright .. it's a pleasure to have you as always ." I smiled before entering the jet . It had been 3 weeks since i got out of the hospital & i couldn't be happier . I hated hospitals & I hated the food ! Alexis had another thing coming , she's gonna wish she died at the Masked event .

A vacation was much needed so Jamaica was where i was headed to . I needed this break & so did my kids , which was why Sheldon was flying them out here tomorrow  evening .
" What would you like to eat this evening Mrs . Wright ?"
"I'll have parmesan chicken wings , a side of king crab deshelled and a caesar salad with a side of sparkling water ." i replied , I was laying off of the alcohol for a while . Ever since my husband decided to cheat , i've been spiraling out of control .

I needed to detox , heal & spend time with my kids . I missed my first grand baby baby shower , & it didn't sit well with me . Apart of me wished Candace would of waited but i knew it was selfish to think that way . She was due any day now & had already waited long enough . Breaking me out of my thoughts the flight attendant brought me my lovely meal .

Instantly my mouth watered , I didn't hesitate to dig in .

"Mrs . Wright you've reached Jamaica ." I yawned before rubbing the sleep out of my eyes . Smiling i exited the jet taking in Jamaica beautiful scenery. Hopping in my drivers car we made our way to the condo My kids & I would be staying at . Almost an hour later we finally arrived to the condo .

After taking my bags inside , my driver left  me to unpack and settle in. After unpacking i rolled me a blunt to smoke , it was raining hard in Jamaica , so i decided to smoke on the balcony & enjoy the rain . Jamaica was beautiful, & one of my favorite places to vacation . After a few puffs i was higher than a kite . Letting my body relax , i sat & enjoyed the sounds of the waves , before i got up to take a shower & change out of my travel clothes .

Stepping out of the shower i heard a faint knock on the door . That must be Sheldon & the kids , i thought to myself . I quickly wrapped my wet hair in a towel , before placing on my robe & slippers . Making my way downstairs the knock got louder . "I'm coming !" , i yelled before opening the door .

As i expected their stood Sheldon , Baby Benji & a crying Victoria . Frowning i immediately hugged her .. "What's wrong ?" I asked . Before i could get answer Sheldon motioned for us to go inside . " We will talk inside ." , Sheldon said seeing the frown on my face .

Walking into the condo , I lead the children to the room they would be sharing . After helping them unpack , i got them in the bath tub & ready for bed . It didn't take either of the two long to fall asleep , after tucking them in i went downstairs to find Sheldon.  Even with us alone i wasn't able to get anything out of Victoria , so i knew i had to ask Sheldon . As i made my way downstairs i heard Sheldon on the phone .

"I don't know what to do , i'm thinking about getting a divorce ." I rolled my eyes before clearing my throat .
" Let me call you back .." Sheldon said to the person on the other end of the line . Making myself comfortable i laid out on the couch covering myself with a fur blanket .
" So , what was wrong with Victoria ?" I asked .

Sigh .. " I caught her sending nudes to a guy way past her her age ... & this isn't the first time ."
"Right before you went to the hospital your mom called me and told me she caught her doing the same shit ." I instantly got upset ... " what the fuck Sheldon & your just now telling me this shit."

"Vanessa chill the fuck out .. you were in the hospital fighting for your life !" Rolling my eyes i calmed down . I needed to get my family back on track & fast .. before Victoria found herself down the wrong path ...

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