Better Late Than Never

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Vanessa POV
I coo'd at my granddaughter , as she smiled at me , tugging on my 32 inches of weave. It had been two weeks since she had been born & since my vacation . I had been at Candace house ever since . I was happy about being a grandmother , no matter how i felt in the beginning . It almost made me feel bad for how I took the news when I first found out .

Candace : Mom , dad said answer your phone , he's been blowing you up .

she said before picking baby Milian up to breast feed her . Getting up from the California king bed , i went over to my phone that was charging . 10 missed calls totaled from my husband . I rolled my eyes thinking to myself what the hell he wanted and why was he blowing my damn phone up like that . We still weren't talking much unless it had something to do with the kids .

Going out to the balcony , i clicked on his contact calling him back . 3 rings later he answered .

Sheldon : Hello ?

Vanessa : I'm returning your calls , what's up ? i asked dryly .

Sheldon : We need to talk , meet me tonight at 8 over dinner .

Vanessa : sure ... meet me at Luxury Eats .. i said before eating the call .

I always kept our conversations short & simple to avoid any conflicts . Lighting me a blunt , i inhaled the smoke in my system allowing the high to take over my body .

8 o'clock came faster than i wanted it too . Finishing up the last touches of my makeup , i looked at myself in approval . I couldn't lie and say I wasn't nervous about meeting with Sheldon . I was curious on what this dinner was about , and what Sheldon wanted to talk about . I took a shot before my driver called letting me know he was downstairs . Grabbed my purse i sprayed myself in some pink Versace , before exiting my penthouse i rented out . ..

Walking into the restaurant i felt all eyes on me . Despite my nerves i was looking damn good in my all black . I still had an image to maintain . I locked eyes with Sheldon as i made my way to the table . Standing up he greeted me before pulling my seat out .

I sat down before waving the waiter over to our table to order a drink . Coming back quickly she brought my wine and some appetizers. Taking a sip of my wine i looked up at my husband waiting on him to speak.

Sheldon : You look beautiful tonight ... he complimented me .

Vanessa : i slightly blushed before thanking him .

Sheldon : i know your wondering why i called you here tonight ... & honestly Vanessa i've been thinking real hard lately . I thought of our family , our grand baby , our children . I even thought of the first day we met ... & still can't get over you fucking my best friend . I want a divorce Vanessa .

I looked deep into his eyes , as my heart instantly dropped along with a few tears .. He slid me the divorce papers that he had already signed . Picking up the divorce papers , i ripped them up before throwing them back at him .

Vanessa : Be careful what you ask for ..

I got up grabbed my purse & exited the restaurant leaving him there .
Sheldon POV

I watched Vanessa as she stormed out of the restaurant. Shaking my head i left a 100 dollar tip before leaving myself . Hopping in my car , i rolled me a blunt before speeding off to Hustle . My focus was strictly on my kids & my business . I had no time for no bullshit or distractions . Now the old Sheldon was back better now as the mother fucking Don . I been out the game for 10 years strong , turning dirty money into clean money starting several businesses , but this situation with Frank & Alexis had me back in it . When you try to change niggas think it's a free past to try you . I was back on demon time , it was time to show everybody i wasn't to be fucked with then & still now .
France POV

Pulling up to Hustle , i put my blunt out before shutting my engine off

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Pulling up to Hustle , i put my blunt out before shutting my engine off . With the type of money i was making now at Hustle , i was able to buy me a brand new Mercedes Benz 2022 . Grabbing my Loui duffel , i made my way inside the club . Tonight was going to be a good night i could tell by how packed the parking lot was .

Jermone : What's up France you looking sexy tonight as always .

l rolled my eyes at the club bouncer who always seemed to not get i was not interested . I let him check my bag , before entering the club. As i expected it was packed , ballers everywhere , & dancers ready to give them a fantasy . Hustle only hired the best of the best dancers , no amateurs. The richest men came out to see , to spend a bag & get away from there wives . Hell some even brought there wives with them , only the freaky ones .

I passed the crowd before making my way into the locker room , speaking to a few of my fellow dance associates , i sat at my vanity sitting my bag down . I had already done my makeup , so that was one last thing i had to worry about. I changed out of my leggings & hoodie before changing into an all black thong & top . I sprayed myself down with some Chanel before locking up my bag & making my way out on the floor.

I made my way over to the bar to order a drink .

France : lemme get a casmigos & red bull , i told the bartender.

She nodded her head before going over to make my drink . I looked around examining the crowd as i waited for my drink . Feeling a presences beside me i looked up at the tall figure . He tipped the bartender before handing me my drink she made , having a seat himself .

Guy : Hello Beautiful? you mind if i join you ..

I went from France to Seduction . That was my dance name , since i first started . Giving him an seductive smile i nodded my head before taking a sip of my drink .

France : You got a name sexy ?

Guy : You can call me Q .

France : Okay Q .. wanna go to VIP ?

Guy : i'll follow you he spoke before following me to our VIP room .

VIP rooms were for the ballers & the ballers only . It came with a bottle , some treats & of course a pole in a bomb ass room on the top level of the club . Entering the room i sat him down before cutting the music on .
Keith sweat , who can love you like me played through the loud speakers as i seductively walked over to the pole . Slowly twirling around the pole , i felt crispy hundreds being put in my g string . Walking over to him i slowly grind on him ,while unloosing my top letting it fall while rubbing my perky titties . I bent over in front of him giving him a full view of my ass while dancing slowly in front of him giving him the fantasy of his life . Rubbing on my body , i felt him getting a hard on as i danced for him & he threw me all the money in his pockets . As the song ended i collected my money before giving him a nice smile putting back on my bikini .

Q : You never told me your name by the way .

France : Call me seductive ...

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