Pool Party

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"Aye pass me another shot bartender ." Sheldon said , already on his 10th shot . He didn't give a fuck though & he didn't plan on stopping anytime soon . Waiting on the bartender he decided to roll up a fat ass backwood . He was stressed and wanted to vibe out and forget about everything . Finally coming back with 5 more shots Sheldon didn't hesitate to throw two back .

Sheldon looked down to his phone ringing for the 100th time . Declining his wife again he took the last three shots. He didn't want to talk he was still pissed about Candace announcement . He was pissed at Vanessa , because she didn't have much to say to guide her daughter . She didn't seem to give a fuck and that pissed him off even more .

He hadn't been home since that night , he rented him out a penthouse & had been staying there . Tonight he decided to have a small pool party . Strippers , his close homies , weed and , liquor. What better way to forget about all the bullshit that you couldn't change . "I see you been going crazy with them shots nigga you need to slow the fuck down ." Frank , Sheldon's close friend said . *Sigh* Shut the fuck up nigga i'm a grown ass man get off my dick Vanessa ." Sheldon sarcastically replied .

"Ima let you slide considering the fact you already on your dumb nigga shit staying away from you family ." "Your clearly drunk and you'll receive enough punish with your hangover in the morning ." Frank said , as he bumped Sheldon while walking to the living room with the dancers . Feeling himself about to throw up , Sheldon ran to his upstairs bathroom releasing everything he ate today . Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand , he washed his hands and brushed his teeth .

Stripping off his clothes , Sheldon made his way into the shower . Letting the water run all of his face he started to sober up . Rubbing his old spice into the wash cloth he quickly washed up before exiting the shower . It was time to get these people the fuck out his penthouse . Making his way downstairs to the still on going party "Everybody get the fuck out parties over ."

He turned the music off , & everyone begin grabbing their things & heading out . It was already going on 4 in the morning. Everybody was drunk , high & partied out.
Once the last person left Sheldon was all alone with his thoughts . Deciding to roll another backwood , that's exactly what he did.

While smoking his blunt , Sheldon thought he was hallucinating. He could of sworn he heard a noise . Making his way upstairs , he bumped into Alexis ! "Girl , what the fuck you doing in my penthouse ." Smiling , Alexis said , "That's how you greet me daddy." Choking her up against the wall,"Bitch you think i'm playing with you how the fuck you get in here !?"

Terrified for her life she croaked out " I was at the party ! I was in disguise so you wouldn't notice me , we need to talk Sheldon." Walking her towards to front door Sheldon felt they didn't have shit to talk about . She knew what it was before she fucked him . "Look we don't have shit to talk about , leave me and my family the fuck alone .

"I'm not just some trash you can get rid of when you feel like it !" Alexis stomped . "We'll bitch that's what you are to me now go , you ain't nothing but a hoe anyways .
"Hoe!? the only hoe is your wife ! wait until you find out what that bitch is up to , Alexis smirked." Sheldon instantly grabbed her by her hair forcing her out the door. Before he could close it Alexis said , " Don't think this is over you lame ass fuck nigga ."

Spitting on her Sheldon closed the door right in her face. Making his way to his bedroom Sheldon decided to call Vanessa .
Not getting an answer after the third call his mind started to wander . Packing up everything he had in his penthouse for his stay , he decided he needed to go home . It was going on 6 in the morning.

He was sure Vanessa was sleep it was going on 6am . He wasn't going to listen to some bitch like Alexis . He knew she was a snake , sneaky bitch . He honestly regret fucking her but it couldn't be taken back now . Sheldon rolled him up a backwood for the road & blasted Drake Elevate all the way home .

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