Family Time

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Waking up this morning Candace decided it was time to talk to her parents . She was pregnant & wanted her child to have his or her Grandparents . She knew her parents would be upset about this too but at least she waited until she was engaged . Humming to Summer Walker no love Candace made her way across town to her parents house . Rushing to make it to her parents house she didn't have breakfast this morning , so she stopped to Starbucks on the way there .

"Welcome to Starbucks , go ahead with your order ." The cashier spoke , Taking a second to look at the menu Candace order a Strawberry Frappe and a fruit cup . Knowing her little sister Victoria was finally back from with their grandmother she got her one too . Pulling up to pay she seen a girl who looked familiar . "Your total is 16.17 ." The girl spoke while rolling her eyes .

Confused on her attitude she gave her a $20 & pulled to the next window to get her food . She was already pregnant and cranky she wasn't gonna let this bitch ruin her morning . Leaving Starbucks 20 mins later she pulled into her parents drive way . Taking a deep breathe Candace shook her nerves away making it to the front door . She was here now and couldn't turn back might as well get it over with .

Feeling like forever the door finally opened reveling her little sister Victoria . Smiling Victoria welcomed her sister in helping her with the drinks and Starbucks bag . "I hope you got something for me in that bag , said Victoria ."
"That's not how you greet me ." , Candace replied . "But of course dig in , she said before placing the food down on the table in the living room ." Making her way into the kitchen Candace seen her mom feeding her little brother Benji . 

"Hey Mom ..." Said Candace
Looking up from feeding Benji Vanessa eyes landed on her oldest daughter . Focusing back on feeding Benji Vanessa ignored her . She didn't like the way Candace was moving , it reminded her of herself in her younger days . She didn't want that for her daughter . "Mom look i know your still mad but I love you can we please let this go !"

Finally looking back up at her daughter , Vanessa spoke .. "I love you too Candace but you have to understand i just want what's best for you ." "I carried you for 9 months i have a got damn right to speak up when your making a mistake ."

"Mom if i'm making a mistake , let me .. it's life i'm going to make mistakes ."

"Do you Candace but when this blows up in your face , remember i told you so ."

Rolling her eyes Candace Sigh "Where's dad ?" she questioned .
"Upstairs" Vanessa answered .

Making her way upstairs Candace thought she'd break the news to her dad first. He was hard but with her he was like a gummy bear. She was hopping her dad would forgive her and at least treat her like she still mattered . Unlike her bitch of a mom her dad could try to compromise . Knocking first , Candace waited on an answer .

"Come in ." Sheldon said

Making her way over to her dad Candace couldn't help but start crying . "Dad i'm sorry i've disappointed you please forgive me dad ." Cadence cried

"You have disappointed me Candace but that hasn't stopped me from loving you ."

"Dad i know your going to be mad because you hate Thomas ... but i'm pregnant ."

Sheldon was at a lost of words . He didn't expect his daughter to get pregnant so soon . He couldn't say he was surprised either he didn't know how to feel. He also didn't believe in abortion .

"How far long are you ?"

" 3 months ." Candace replied waiting on a reaction or for him to say something .

" Look you know i don't believe in abortion so i wouldn't even suggested that ."

"Life is really about to change for you Candace so i suggest you really prepare yourself ."

"I know Daddy , I have Thomas i'll be fine daddy . She replied

"Don't just depend on a man ever , once you have a baby that baby is yours rather he chose to be around or not ."

Sheldon hugged his daughter , He wanted her to know regardless of her disappointing him . He would always be there for her & would be here for his grandchild as well. Wiping her eyes Sheldon looked his daughter in her eyes .

"Wipe your tears your a big girl now act like it , but just know Daddy got you."

Kissing his daughter cheek he hugged her and comforted her . He wasn't going to let how he felt ruin him and his daughters relationship . Family meant everything to him . That's how he was raised and that's how he wanted to raise his children .


Leaving her parents house Candace , sighed in relieve . She was happy her and her dad made up . Her mom would eventually come around but right now her focus was her baby . It was now going on 2pm , backing her way out of her parents driveway . Candace made her way across town back to her house .

After 45 minutes Candace finally arrived at her own home . Happy to be home , Candace made her way out of her car up to the front door . Unlocking it Candace called out to Thomas , "Baby ??? Candace yelled , making her way upstairs . Not getting an answer Candace made her way towards Thomas office . There was no Thomas but their was at Manila Envelope on his desk .

Not wanting to snoop Candace almost left the Envelope . Something in her mind told her to look at it . Surprisingly her name was on the Envelope . Not hesitating she ripped it opened .

" Dear Candace ..

"I love you .. and this baby that we have on the way , but i won't be here for the first 6 months . Baby i need help , and i couldn't stand facing you . It would have changed my mind about going . I'm going to rehab , it's an hour away . Visitation days are on Tuesday and Thursday. Be expecting a call in the next few days when i'm able to make one . I love you baby I'm sorry .

      Love Thomas .

Balling up the note & throwing it in the garbage Candace didn't know how to feel . She understood Thomas needing help , but her being pregnant & him just disappearing had her upset . She was starting to think her dad was right . Would she be raising this baby alone ?Was she ready ?

 Would she be raising this baby alone ?Was she ready ?

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Baby Benji

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