Family Dinner

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Candace POV ..

I woke up with a headache out of this world . The memories from last night flooded in right along with the ringing in my head . I instantly felt guilty seeing 49 missed calls from Thomas . He must of been worried sick about me . Pressing his contact i called him back . After 3 rings he answered ..

Thomas : Hello ? Baby where are you ? i was worried sick about you .

Candace : I'm fine .. i stayed with gabby last night i'm about to head home now .

Thomas : okay i'll see you when you get here , we need to talk !!

I sighed before hanging up the phone , getting up out the bed the whole room felt like it was spinning . I grabbed my things from last night , before walking downstairs to find gabby . I smelled good , so i figured she was in the kitchen . Making my way to the kitchen there she was making eggs , bacon & grits .

"Hey .. I'm about to head out what time are we going house shopping ?" i asked her .
she smiled before letting me know we would be house shopping today at 2pm .
It was now going on 11:30 , so i had to hurry home . Not to mention my grandmother was having a dinner party tonight and wanted us all to be there by 8:30 . I had a busy day ahead of me & a hangover on top of that , i sighed while thinking about it before pulling off .

Pulling into the driveway , i felt relieved. Home sweet home i thought to myself before getting out the car and walking up out driveway . Before i could even open the front door Thomas beat me to it . By the look on his face i knew he wasn't happy . Brushing pass him i made my way inside headed for the steps .

" Candace don't play with me ." i heard Thomas say causes me to stop in my tracks .

" Thomas please not right now i have a banging headache .." i replied .

"I don't give a fuck ." He yelled ... " Your a grown ass women with a fiancé and a new born ! You don't get to run the streets and not check in with me !"

I frowned my face up before snapping .. " but it's okay for you to do it ! Nigga who the fuck is Morgan ??? bet you can't answer that i yelled ."

He looked at my dumbfounded before rubbing his hands down his face like he was the one stressed . I took his silence as he didn't have shit else to say but feel guilty that i knew this whole time ! I walked upstairs getting ready to shower and go house shopping with gabby .

After my nice hot shower , i started to feel a little bit better . I went over to my draw where i kept medicine and took a BC powder before swallowing it with a gatorade . I put on my outfit for today , before spraying my Vanilla Bean Perfume . Before leaving i stopped my baby Essence room to see her still sound asleep . A bright idea popped in my head and i decided to bring her with me . She was already dressed , & this would give gabby a chance to meet her Goddaughter .

I finished getting Essence ready before grabbing her diaper bag & stroller . By the time i was finished it was going on 1:15 . The neighborhood she was looking to buy a house in was only 35 mins away . Walking out of Essence room i bumped into Thomas . Rolling my eyes i was about to walk away before he grabbed my arm .

" I love y'all .. give me a kiss ." i rolled my eyes before giving him a peak and telling him i loved him too . He helped me with Essence to the car , & we were now pulling off . I sent gabby a text letting her know i was otw , before turning on Cardi B be careful with me .

Vanessa POV ..

   It was now going on 6:30 pm and i was giving Benji a bath . Tonight was the night of Sheldon's mom dinner party & i was honestly dreading it . I wanted to get along with his mom but she never liked me since me and Sheldon first started dating in high school . Breaking me out of my thoughts Victoria walked into the bathroom , almost making me snap my neck when i seen what she was wearing .

"Victoria .. what the hell do you have on ! Go change now ! & take off my damn makeup ! your not grown little girl ." she rolled her eyes before storming out of the bathroom , stomping upstairs . I sighed before wrapping Benji in a towel going to get him and myself ready .

"Baby you about ready ?" i heard Sheldon from downstairs as i finish the touches on my makeup .
"Yes baby .. i'm coming down now ." i replied .
Grabbing my purse i cut out all of the lights before meeting my husband & kids downstairs . Heading to the dinner from hell party .
I knew i would need a drink for this so best believe i had my own personal bottle , & i knew Sheldon would be upset about it but i didn't care . I'm a grown ass women .
Sheldon POV

Pulling into my moms driveway i was already ready to get this dinner over with . Not only was a missing an important meeting at the club right now , Vanessa ass was already wasted . Knowing how my mom was i don't know why she even set herself up . I opened Victoria's door first getting her and Benji out , before going to Vanessa's door next to do the same thing . They was already a few cars in the driveway being that we was an hour late due to Vanessa having to keep pulling over to pee .

Walking up the driveway , we made it to the large front doors to my moms mini mansion as we like to call it . I rang the door bell , as we waited for someone to answer . Opening the door their stood my oldest daughter Candace who i was surprised beat us here .
"You guys are late !" & Nana isn't happy ." Candace preached , while letting us in and taking Benji out of my hands .

Vanessa : who cares she's always mad .. she giggled tipsy .
I clenched my teeth together before grabbing her hand , along with the kids to let my mom know we had made it . Making our way through her large living and dining room . We went outside in the back where the big dinner party was going on . My uncle ray was grilling , my cousin Ashley was bartending and everyone else was drinking , smoking & dancing .

We had all the food you could imagine , ribs , salmon , steak , crabs , oysters , rice , collard greens , macaroni with applewood bacon & potato salad . One thing about it my family could thrown down on some food .

"Hey baby ." my mom yelled walking over to us , taking me in a big hug ." After squeezing the life out of me it felt like , she did the same to Victoria & Benji .
"Hey Vanessa you don't look bad yourself .", my mom spoke throwing shade
I gave her a look letting her know I wasn't with the bullshit tonight . Vanessa smiled instead before responding " you look much older .", she said walking off to join the party .

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