Moving Fast

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"Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday Dear Cadence , Happy Birthday too you !" Everybody screamed as Cadence blew out her birthday candles , she was so happy her friends and family were all together celebrating her 19th Birthday. Life was good for Cadence , she graduated from Soho High school a few months ago & she was proud of herself . She didn't know if she wanted to go to college and she knew her parents would hate hearing that . Especially when they found out she was moving in with Thomas in less than a week ! After proposing she and Thomas planned on her moving in with him right after graduation . He got them a brand new house , with his & her name on it.

Breaking out of her thoughts , she took a shot of Deleon to the head and decided to make her two announcements. "I have an announcement to make everyone ." Everyone gathered around listening to what Cadence had to say . "I'm engaged she said flashing her 14carat ring !" & "I'm moving out into my own place Thomas and I." Cadence smiled . "lemme guess your pregnant too ?" Her mom smirked . "You better know what your doing little girl ,"You may be 19 and you may have graduated and i'm proud of you but your moving way too fast."

Cadence rolled her eyes , looking over at her dad . He looked pissed ! She knew he was upset she didn't at least ask him or Thomas didn't ask for her hand . Things just moved fast it wasn't to hurt him . Walking over to her father Cadence attempted to hug him . Moving her hands away Sheldon walked off into the bathroom .

"Dad wait !" Cadence said , while following her dad. "Cadence I'm telling you i don't like that boy."

"Why ?"Cadence asked ?? "You have no reason you just hate that he's with me ."
"Cadence your young right now baby and in love you won't understand , I'm telling you your making the worse decision of your life & don't come back when shit goes left ." Cadence stood their dumbfounded as her dad just stood there . "I love him dad just let me be happy." Cadence yelled . "The man don't respect you Cadence ! he didn't even ask your father for your hand in marriage at 18 !

"Dad i'm sorry that was not to hurt you , but i am happy and i'm moving in with Thomas rather you or mom likes it ."Sheldon nodded before walking out and leaving . He was disappointed in his daughter and felt she was making a big mistake . Thomas didn't deserve his daughter and no one else seemed to realize besides him . He thought about killing Thomas just to get him the fuck away from his daughter , but not wanting to hurt his daughter in the process he had to let it go ..

Touching up her makeup Cadence went back into her party . She was sad but she wasn't about to let her family ruin her night. "Here the birthday girl go , everybody say Go Cadence !" Thomas screamed . Cadence smiled he always did know how to cheer her up . Forgetting about what just happened Cadence made her way to her man . " We got one more surprise for the birthday girl and we gonna call it a night , everybody follow us outside !" Walking outside Cadence was jumping for joy on the inside .

Making her way outside , her eyes almost came out of her head how wide they were. "Thank You baby !" Cadence ran over to her new Range Rover 2022 that wasn't even out yet. Knowing Thomas he had his way of getting anything he wanted. "Come on baby let's go i'll drive !" Thomas said , as Cadence made her way to the passenger side.

This was the best and worse birthday ever. Cadence was growing into a new women and she didn't give a fuck what her parents or anyone thought .

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