*UNIVERSAL 2- Keith The Galra*

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Sometime had past before Katie had finally woken up. Upon her newly found awakening she begins to look around.

As she looked around she couldn't help but notice that there was a tube sticking out of her forearm. That's not all she had noticed upon her discovering a tube sticking out of her body she had noticed she was in a human sized tube.

As she felt the surface of the tube she could instantly tell that she was inside of a science lab of some sort. She was well collected as she didn't show fear. If she where to freak out now she would probably hurt herself trying to escape.

So, she just pretended to sleep as she was waiting for someone to show up. Upon pretending she actually fell asleep as it had been a while since anybody had checked up on her... That was until Kaite heard something moving from outside her tube.

She had begun to open her eyes a bit to see her tube fully opened. She even saw a fully grown humanoid monster. She didn't know what to do as she was frozen in fear the monster in front of her looked to be Altean, but this Altean as abnormally taller then your average Altean. So, she thought of this monster as a species outside of her own race.

As she watched the unknown species do there work she noticed that there where other weird species from inside the tube. She couldn't help but think that this truely was a laboratory. Once the other species was done examining the subjects inside the tube's they had left. Katie on the other had had left her tube in secret before it closed.

Katie sighed before running out of the laboratory. Upon running out she bumbs into someone and falls to the ground.

"Owww," she says as she whines in pain. That's when she notices a shadow looming over her. As she looked up she could see what looks to be three eyes with beautiful markings all around there face. It was at this moment Katie couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship of this unknown species face.

As she stared at this species nonchalantly she then heard stomping and screams coming from each side of the hallway. She knew she was going to be in trouble but, didn't know what to do. She was afraid of being a lab subject again.

She looked all around trying to escape, but all she saw in the hallway was a vent and another door. She didn't know the lay out of this place and hoped it was something. The species that she bumped into earlier seems to be talking to the others as they come running toward her.

Instead of staying put she had slowly began to crawl away, but as she was crawling she begins to hear someone's voice, "Hey!..." As she looked at the person she bumped into talking to her she couldn't help, but feel a little dumbfounded as she couldn't understand a word they said. So, in the midst of all this panic and had ran into the other door in the hallway before being blocked off by what looked to be gaurds.

As soon as she ran out the other door she could see a scenery that was different then Altea. They had a beautiful desert like scenery with water streaming up and down they even had one sun. Unlike Altea to which they have three sun's. This place was so beautiful and different that she couldn't help, but admire it, but as she was looking at the new environment she was grabbed by that guard she bumped into early.

The guard was saying something, but the Katie's knowledge it just sounding like he was cursing at her. So, in self defense she pulled her hand away, scared of what's going to happen to her. Once the other guards cought up to her out of fear she had pushed her self near the edge of the balcony.

It was at this moment the other guard stuck his hand out as if signaling them to stop what they where doing. The guard looked at her then back at the other guards as if explaining to them what was happening.

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