*UNIVERSAL 11: Curtis's First Love PT.1*

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Twenty years ago, back when Curtis was in college he had been proposed to by a man who he's dated for two years. Curtis of course said yes to his proposal. Everybody in school knew about Curtis's marriage, at the time Curtis of course had know idea that his marriage wasn't going to last...

That was until he met Shiro at the time Shiro had a boyfriend named Adam, of course Curtis only remained faithful to his fiance and only stayed with his fiance. The day Shiro and Curtis met was in mathematics where they had to do a project together.

After there project Shiro and Curtis still hung out together of course they told their significant other about this change of events, that was until Curtis had caught his soon to be husband cheating on him with none other then Adam, Shiro's boyfriend.

"I can't believe this," Curtis says as his eyes started to get watery.

"Curtis please don't tell Shiro about this. If he found out he'll-"

"No, I'm telling Shiro. Adam I can't believe this," Curtis says as he looked at Adam in a nonchalant way.

"Who's going to believe you," Curtis's ex says while smirking.

"True, and if anything we could just reveal that it was you who was cheating," Adam says while smirking, "After all you do have a crush on my Shiro," Adam says while glaring at Curtis.

Curtis was completely stunned he didn't know what to do, how could Adam and his fiance do this. At this moment Curtis had walked away he know longer wanted to argue with anyone. Curtis was completely heart broken, so heart broken infact that he ended up drinking his sorrows away at a bar.

As Curtis sat there drinking ever so slowly as he was currently crying. Sometime had pasted and Curtis still wasn't drunk or buzzed from the drinking, he had guessed it was because he was crying too much. But it wasn't it was the fact that he never even finished his first glass since it's not even halfway gone. The alcohol hadn't settled in yet.

Meanwhile on the other side of the bar stood a man with black based hair with a white streak infront of his face. He was drinking with his friends before spotting Curtis crying in the corner on the other side of the bar.

The Galran male had excused himself from his friends before going to Curtis as he was currently crying his head off. As he squeezed in-between the crowd it felt as if he was getting further and further away. But he hadn't realized in was getting closer even if he was struggling to get passed the crowded people as they where dancing.

But as he got closer to the sobbing Curtis as he sits down across from him he says, "Why the long face, Curtis," Shiro cooed.

Curtis had know idea Shiro was going to be here so when Shiro called him Curtis had immediately whipped his tears as he put on a fake smile for Shiro, "Geez, Shiro you startled me," he says as he places his hands over his beating heart.

Shiro starts to laugh, "Pft, sorry about that. Anyway what are you doing here? And why are you crying?"

"Oh! You saw that," Curtis says as he faked a laugh.

"Come on Curtis, what's going on?" Shiro says as his face starts to frown down in a serious way.

"My boyfriend broke up with me," Curtis says as he looks Shiro in the eyes.

At that moment both Shiro and Curtis's eyes widen in shock, "Curtis I'm-"

"Oh God, no I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that," Curtis says as he starts making weird hand gestures, "I mean I broke up with him," at that moment Curtis begins to cover his mouth in shock, "No, I mean-"

"Pft, don't worry about it. I get it," Shiro says as he laughed a bit at Curtis's cuteness.

Curtis begins to sigh heavily, "Yeah," he says as he looked at the floor uncertain of his break up from his now ex-boyfriend.

"Hey, don't worry about him, he was a jerk anyway you don't need him," Shiro says as he grabs Curtis's right hand, rubbing it softly to comfort him.

"Yeah," Curtis says sighing once more.

"You know what..." Shiro says as he got up, "Let's get out of here," he says as he points at the exit to the bar.

"What!?" Curtis says as his face turns red in shock.

"Come on!" Shiro says as he takes Curtis's hand and pulls him out of the bar.

Meanwhile Adam along with Curtis's ex-boyfriend was roaming around outside looking for a place to eat dinner. That was until they saw a miserable looking Curtis being dragged around by an enthusiastic Shiro.

"Hey, isn't that Shiro?" Curtis's ex says as he points at Shiro who was clearly across the street skipping like a little girl.

"Yeah, it is," Adam says as he stares blankly at Shiro and Curtis.

"What are you thinking about?" Curtis's ex says as he stares at Adam.

"Come on!" Adam says as he follows Curtis and Shiro.

"Eh!?" Curtis's ex says as he tilts his head a bit to the right in confusion.

"Let's go!" Adam says as he starts dragging Curtis's ex with him.


Word Count: 893
Published: Tuesday, May 02, 2023


In this Curtis is 19 and Shiro is 21 along with Adam who is 21 and Curtis's ex-boyfriend who is 20. They are currently in college, by the way so not to confuse anyone Curtis, Adam and the Ex-boyfriend are humans where as Shiro is Galran.

I'll name Curtis's ex-boyfriend Ben in the next chapter. I'm not very good at naming people so, I'll just name him Ben.

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