*UNIVERSAL 9 - Katie's Second Guessing*

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It had been two years since Katie returned to The Blades of Marmora. During the two years Katie and Keith had gotten even closer then they did when they had first met, they where no longer friends but instead boyfriend and girlfriend.

During these two years Katie was finally able to get her family and friends on Altea a look of what The Blades of Marmora looked like. When the Altean's came to the big planet they thought that it was a glorious place.

The day Katie's friends and family came to the planet she had them meet Keith and the rest of her friends on The Blades of Marmora. Her friends back on Altea were excited to meet Katie's new friends and ever since their first meeting Altea and The Blades of Marmora had been keeping a close friendship with one another.

Katie still remembers the day she introduced Keith as her boyfriend, the looks from her friends and family where priceless. Afterward Keith became closer to Katie's friends who where a bit skeptical about him, but had decided to get to know him first.

Hunk was the first one to like Keith cause Keith had liked his cooking that and the fact that he met Shay because of him. Lance never liked Keith and frankly neither did Keith, Keith has a big rivalry going on between them. After all Lance and Katie where childhood best friends and that made Keith feel a certain way. As for Lance he has an inferiority complex anything that Keith did made him feel like he had to do better. As for Allura and Romelle they liked Keith he was very kind to them that and the fact that sometimes Keith had given out information on Katie.

Katie's family where very happy for Katie granted Katie's older brother Matt didn't like him at first, but they had ended up becoming best buds.

For the last two years Altea and The Blades of Marmora have been sharing information and new technologies with each other. Their friendship had only grown more and more onto the coming months. It was going so well infact that even some Altean's even started to live in The Blades of Marmora including Katie.

When Katie decided to leave she told her dad and King Alfor, they were bit sad, but had decided to allow her to leave. Katie was old enough to make her own decisions. Katie had went back to her friends and told them she was officially going to leave Altea.

"You're seriously leaving," Lance says with a worried look.

"Yes I am. I don't expect you to agree, but I feel the need to leave. Especially when I want to be closer to Keith," Katie says as she holds onto Keith's right hand.

"Well, I don't see why we'd have to stop you," Allura says with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, go do you Katie," Romelle says with a smile on her face.

"You guys," Katie says as her eyes begin to swell.

"Don't cry," Allura says as both Allura and Romelle give her a big fat hug.

"Just cause you're leaving doesn't mean anything. We are still friends and we'll always be," Romelle says as tears trickled down her face.

"Are you serious right now!" They turned over to Lance who was clearly red with rage.

"Dude what's your problem," Keith says as he crosses his arms together over his chest.

"My problem?" Lance says as he got up from his chair and starts walking toward Keith, "My problem is you!"

"Wait, Lance," Allura says stepping in between Lance and Keith.

"Do you all not see the problem here," Lance says as he looked at all his friends, "This thing," he says as he points at Keith, "Is trying to take Katie away."

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