*UNIVERSAL 4 - Officially Meeting Kosmo *

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As Keith and Katie where walking back to the castle they've run into a wolf-like animal on there path as they where about to walk into the castle.

Keith smiled as he pulled Kaite aside and stepped out of her way and puts both his hands out, "Come here Kosmo," he called. The wolf-like alien creature ran to Keith and jumped on him.

As he sat there laughing Katie on the other hand was very worried, "Keith are you okay," she said as Keith fell hard after Kosmo jumped him.

Keith was playing with Kosmo before turning to Katie, "Katie this is Kosmo, Kosmo this is Katie," he says as he got up and takes Katie's hand. He then proceeds to allow Kosmo to sniff Katie.

Katie of course was nervous, she had never seen and animal or alien like this before, "Don't worry Kosmo is very friendly," Keith said to reassure Katie that Kosmo wasn't harmful.

As Kosmo was finished sniffing Katie he begins to run around her.

"He wants you to play with him," Keith says while pointing at Kosmo.

Katie of course was confused, "I don't know how to play? How are you supposed-"

She sadly gets cut off by Keith nudging her to a play pend where Kosmo could play at, "Come on! You don't need a rule book on this. I promise," he says to reassure Katie.

Has Keith lead Katie to an open field he takes a ball that was on the ground and hands it to Katie.

"What do I do with this?" She says clearly confused.

"Throw it," Keith says as he starts to gesturing his hands.

Katie was still confused, but did what she was told. As she threw the ball Kosmo the dog starts to run after it. Once he had the ball in his mouth he came running back.

Kosmo is a wolf-like alien creature with dark blue fur and a fluffy blue mane. His mane concentrates on the scruff of his neck, and continues down his back to form his tail. He has an area of pale blue fur which dominates his forehead, runs down the bridge of his nose, and frames his face. He has another 'v' shaped patch of blue fur on his chest. He has a teal waterline around his eyes, and teal lines on his haunches and the fins on his ankles.

He is practically unmissable as his whole body had distinct powerful colors all around him. But as Kosmo came running back he had disappeared into thin air. Katie was confused and a bit worried that somehow she had lost the alien dog.

But when she turned to Keith she could see that Kosmo was right there on top of Keith licking him playfully. As Katie stared at Keith on the floor laughing she couldn't help but think that his dog was simply not normal.

A couple days had past and Kosmo, the alien dog that Katie met kept coming by. Katie finally had her own room off of Keith's room. It was a bit small, but enough for Katie to have a bed and a place to put her clothes in. But not for dogs.

Ever since Katie had met Kosmo he ends up going into her room and staying there. Katie of course didn't mind since she liked Kosmo, but she found it strange as to how Kosmo got in. Sometimes Keith wasn't around to let Kosmo in, she had assumed it was cause Kosmo was trained to open doors.

Katie might have been smart, but not that smart, especially when it came to alien creature's.

The more that Katie hung out with Kosmo the more she had grew a bond with him. When Katie was bored she'd play with Kosmo, when she cried because she had missed home Kosmo was there. Katie felt like Kosmo was her own pet, but she knew he was Keith's cause every time he was around Kosmo would jump for joy.

Kosmo truly was a good alien dog creature. Everything was going super well when two weeks had pasted. Leaving Katie there on ... for two months. And never in her life had she been locked up inside Keith's room.

Keith had been acting weird, it had been to the point where Kosmo barely visits and he used to show up everyday. Katie did ask Keith, but every time she did he'd say 'just don't leave the room,' And that was it.

Katie didn't know what to expect especially when she had left the and ended up getting into a heated argument with Keith.


Word Count: 771
Published: Wednesday, March 15, 2023

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