*UNIVERSAL 3 - Learn To Say No*

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Meanwhile in a room far away from the throne room lied Kaite and Keith in a room. Kaite was proceeding to change her clothes while Keith faced a wall so he could give her some privacy. But things didn't go as plan as Keith had became dizzy over a sweet plum juice smell admitting from the girl he was clearly with.

Keith had never felt this feeling before and couldn't help being addicted to it. As he turned around slowly he could see that the girl seemed to have been done getting dressed as she had on fully long stretched clothes on her; to which showed a lot of skin.

As the two stared at each other for quit sometime Keith had began inching toward her unconsciously. Meanwhile Kaite looked onward at Keith slowly coming closer with drupy drunk eyes. Kaite didn't know what to do as she had never been in a situation like this before.

But before she could do anything it was too late as his lips had met with her's. She couldn't believe what was happening as he had proceeded to kiss her.

It was at this moment things had begun to escalate as Keith was now feeling all over the girls body. Keith didn't know what he was doing, but all he knew was that he desired to be closer to her.

Katie on the other hand was shaken by the man's touch. She couldn't believe that the man she just met was touching her in an erotic way. Katie did try to fight him off, but the more she pushed the harder he pulled; though he was gentle she still felt uncomfortable doing anything with this man. After all he stole her first kiss.

As Keith proceeded to kiss her he gently placed Katie on the bed. He was towering over her and had his right hand slightly squeezing her chess. Upon hearing Katie's slight squeals Keith had become slightly aroused to the point of sucking on her right chess.

Katie on the other hand was stiff as a board as he ravage her. That was until his hand slowly trickled down in between her legs. In a swift motion Katie proceeds to trap Keith's motion by closing her legs.

Keith on the other hand looked up at the girl and saw the look of fear in her eyes. It was at this moment Keith couldn't believe what had happened. He pulls his hands away and lays the other way.

Katie begins to sigh in relief as he had finally stopped touching her. Katie ended up getting up as she didn't want to be near her potential molester. She had found a couch to sleep on and proceeds to make herself comfortable as she slept in it for the night.

But by the next morning she was on the bed with nobody in sight. She sat there for quite a while before hearing a door being slide open. As she looked in the direction of the sliding doors she could see the man who molested her yesterday.

She begins to pull up the covers in a defensive manner all while Keith was putting down a bunch of food on a table in the room.

He had sat down waiting for Katie to get out of bed. But she did not move and just watched his every moment. It was at this moment Keith had begun to speak with her, but she couldn't understand. So, he just pointed at the food and gestured her to come eat.

Katie hesitantly walked over to the other table and sat down. Before she could eat she looked at Keith for a while. That was until he noticed her staring at him. His face had started to flush in embarrassment he had never been stares at for so long in his entire life after all he always wore a mask.

It was at this moment Katie had been adjusting her posture to sit up right, she then points to herself by saying, "Katie..." Keith was a bit confused as he had cocked his head a little bit to the right. Katie starts to sigh before repeating, "Katie~" she says slowly.

It was at this moment Keith knew what was going on. She was giving out her name, "Katie?" He says while pointing at her.

Katie smiles before pointing at the man in front of her, "And you are?" She says.

This of course confused Keith a bit before figuring out what Katie wanted, "Keith," he says while pointing at himself.

Katie nodded her head before repeating his name, "Keith?"

Keith nodded reassuring Katie that she got his name right. The two of them where very proud of this friendly development in there relationship.

One week turned into two weeks the longer Katie stayed the more she had picked up the Galran language. Katie of course found it difficult to learn it after all it was nothing like the Altean language.

Within those two weeks Katie had shown where she lived on the map of the solar system and to everyone's surprise she lived 150 light years away. Katie of course couldn't believe it she didn't even know how she ended up with the Galra's either. Keith told her that they do have the technology to take her home, but he said it was going to take some time.

Katie of course waited patiently for the new technology that the Galrans where making. Katie didn't want to go home just yet she enjoyed the scenery there and liked the air as it smelled fresh and clean. Maybe that's why Galran people are so tall, the oxygen levels here is much more stronger and fresher then Altea.

Katie, though isn't really allowed to go anywhere without Keith, after all they still didn't trust her even though she helped out a bit here and there. But most of her favorite things to do is going outside to smell the fresh air. She sometimes sneaks out just so she could get a bit of peace and quiet.

Today of course was one of those days that Keith had business to attend too. That of course didn't stop Katie from roaming around the castle.

As she walked through the narrow hallways while hiding from the gaurds she begins to sigh in relief as she had finally made her way out of the castle.

Upon leaving the castle she begins to follow a trail that will lead her to a forest nearby. Katie followed Keith one day into the forest and ever since then she's been going.

As Katie got closer to the forest outskirts she starts to sit down. She doesn't go all the way in the forest because of how dangerous it is. She sat there taking in the fresh air of freshly cut grass and a sweet tangerine smell. As she begins basking in the sunlight her eyes start to get heavy. She slowly starts to see darkness as she had just fallen asleep.

Some time had past and by the time she had woken up she could see a figure staring back at her. By the look on his face she could tell he must have been worried.

His face was scrunched up, his eyebrows was down and as he was speaking though Katie couldn't understand knew that he was speaking softly.

"I'm sorry, I must have worried you," she says as she sat up from laying down on the ground.

She could hear him sigh, "If you're going out I'd at least like to know."

Katie nodded her head before looking at the scene in front of her, "You know it would be nice if you could see Altea," she says as she looked at Keith, but all he did was cocked his head slightly to the right in confusion.

"Something about Altea," Kaite sighed, "My bad," he said because he thought that Katie was mad at him.

In fact Katie wasn't mad and just didn't understand his sudden apology. She simply nodded it off before putting her hands on the grass for support as she leaned back.

Her and Keith stayed silent for a while before getting up and walking back to the castle.


Word Count: 1375
Published: Wednesday, March 15, 2023

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