*UNIVERSAL 19: Standing For An Apology Pt.2*

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Before Lance had officially said sorry to his friends he had sighed before he had spoken, "Katie... I know what I did to you was wrong. And I know you may never forgive me, but I do want to try and talk to you before you decide to cut me off," Lance says as he starts playing with his fingers nervously.

Katie had nodded her head, "I'm listening."

Lance had coughed before he began, "Ahem... Katie, Hunk. I know I haven't been the brightest nor the smartest out of the bunch. And I know it might come as a shocker to say that during the last few years without you guys I had felt pretty lonely. I know it might seem weird, but I hadn't felt this way until we had lost you Katie. For days me and Hunk had been searching for you and when everyone had told us to stop we never did. Though yes, I did get married when you where gone, but we never stopped thinking about you." Lance says as he sighs once more.

"Lance!?" Katie says softly as she was clearly concurred for her friend.

"The true reason I don't like Keith is because he took two of my bestfriends away," Lance says as he looked at the ground in shame.

"Lance! That never happened," Katie says as she looked at Lance blinking in shock.

"She's right Lance, you never lost us. We are still bestfriends," Hunk says while trying to comfort Lance.

"Well easy for you to say, I feel so left out. Hunk you're now married and Katie you're going to get married soon. The years that we spent together was cut off short. I wanted us to stay together a bit longer, " Lance says with tears in his eyes.

"Aw, Lance," Katie says as she got up to hug him, "Don't worry so much, we will always be friends. You didn't lose us, we just grew up. And sometimes growing up could lead to big changes-"

"But, I don't like those changes," Lance says as he cuts Katie off.

Katie had sighed, "Then don't think about it being a huge change. Think of it being a small change."

Lance's eyes had gotten bigger, "Small change? Katie is marrying Keith and Hunk's already married to Shay. That's a huge change."

Katie had looked down, "I don't know if I should marry him. Especially now that I know my friend isn't doing too well."

"Katie!" Hunk says in shock.

"Katie, please don't make any decisions based on your friends," Lance says as he grabbed her shoulders.


Before Katie could speak Lance had interrupted her, "Earlier I was wrong, I didn't mean to be angry. I'm sorry I placed you in a tight spot, Katie. I am your friend and if you want to be with Keith cause he makes you happy then I'm happy to except him," Lance says while smiling.

"Really!?" Katie says as she cocks her head a bit to the right in suspense.

"Yes, really!" Lance says while shaking his head.

"You are serious right?" Hunk says while he too, cocks his head a bit to the right in suspense.

Lance had rolled his eyes, "I still don't like him, but if he makes you happy then I'm all for it."

"Oh, Lance!" Katie says as she gives him a tight hug.

"Aw, group hug!" Hunk says as he hugs both Lance and Katie in a tight hug.

After there little hug Katie had ran out of the room to find Keith, of course Hunk and Lance had followed her. Lance had so much to say to Keith even if he might end up getting beaten up by Keith. Lance was ready to apologize to Keith he just hopes that Keith would except his apology.

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