*UNIVERSAL 15: Avoiding The Ending*

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A couple days had passed and both Curtis and Shiro where still a bit awkward with each other. It was so bad that even people at work started to see that something was going on between them.

"Curtis..." a man with fair chocolate skin with one eye close called as he whispers to Curtis, "Curtis, what's going on between you and Shiro?"

"Commander Iverson!" Curtis says as he had dropped a wrench onto the floor. He was too invested into his work that he was startled awake by his commanding officer.

"Geez Curtis," Iverson says as he picked up the wrench from the floor before handing it to Curtis, "What's wrong with you today? You're acting weirder than normal."

"Eh!? Oh I'm fine... Pft... Nothings going on," Curtis says as he fake laughs.

"I know somethings going on with you and Shiro. Don't you dare try to hide it from me," Iverson says as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"But there's nothing-" Curtis gets interrupted by Iverson's booming voice.

"Good cause you two will be working together in the control panel's next week," Iverson says while smirking.

"Eh!? Wait what!?" Curtis says clearly confused.

"Granted it's only a simulated test we'll be monitoring your team work and how well you do for the near future. Well goodbye solder," Iverson said as he waved off Curtis as he walks away.

Curtis on the other hand was a bit freaked out. He was going to do a huge test with Shiro and he had know clue what was going to happen. He was still a bit awkward with Shiro since he always avoided Curtis. Granted Curtis had know clue what to do so, he called up his friend who could help him deal with his crush.

So, that night he and his friend met up at a bar to have a little chat about his crush.

"BENNY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WAHHH!" Curtis says while he whined.

"Okay, Curtis for one this is like the millionth time you told me this. And secondly..." Ben says as he grabs Curtis drink from him, "... Lay off the booze!"

"Nooooo~" Curtis says as he whines more.

"Yes, now do you want my help or not," Ben says as he taps his finger on the table.

"I do!" Curtis says as he perks his head up off the table.

"Oh so now you're sober," Ben says as he shakes his head in dismay, "My whole think is why not just tell him you like him."

"I can't do that!" Curtis says with his face red, clearly flustered with Ben's statement.

"Why not? He might even like you back," Ben says as he puts his right hand on his face as he leans on it as his elbows where on the table.

"Impossible!" Curtis says as he lightly slams his hands onto the table.

Ben starts to shake his head in dismay while sighing heavily, "Come on Curtis, has it ever occurred to you that Shiro might also like you."

"Never!" Curtis says while shaking his head.

"Curtis!?" Ben says as he starts grabbing the bridge of his nose in irritation, "You haven't even asked him nor have you gain your confidence in explaining why he even touched you in the first place."

"Yeah, and I'm never going to gain it back either," Curtis says while he got up from the table.

"Curtis," Ben called.

"No, no, I get it Shiro will never understand how I feel unless I till him," he says as he walks out of the bar.

"No, not now. At least do it while you're sober," Ben says while following after Curtis.

Meanwhile after dropping off Curtis off at home Shiro had just gotten home to see Ben leaving his house.

"Hey... Ben?" Shiro says as he tilts his head in confusion.

"Curtis is in there drunk. I reckon you be careful when you go in there. He's very clingy," Ben says as he points at Shiro's front door.

"Oh okay, thanks Ben," Shiro says as he gets his keys out of his pocket.

"Hey, you might want to tell him Shiro," Ben says as he looks Shiro in the eyes.

"I know," Shiro says as he nods his head while sticking his keys in the key hole to make the door open.

"I'm being serious Shiro. He's literally being stubborn right now. It's now or never," Ben says as he leaves waving bye.

Shiro watches as Ben leaves before opening up the front door to his and Curtis shared apartment. As soon as he came in he took off his coat, but as soon as he was done taking it off he was then attacked from behind.

"Shhhiirrroooo~" Curtis called as he grips Shiro's waste.

"Curtis," Shiro says as he turns around to look at Curtis, "You're drunk."

"I... hik... am... nor," Curtis says as his words where slurring a bit.

"Okay, you're not. But it's time for bed," Shiro says as he carries Curtis like a princess. He took Curtis to his room cause each time he was drunk he'd always cling onto Shiro and he would cry non-stop if you don't get him what he wants.

So, that night Shiro had allowed Curtis to sleep with him, since all Curtis does is hug Shiro. He of course didn't do anything else cause he didn't want to ruin his relationship with Curtis any further from what it is now.


Word Count: 913
Published: Thursday, May 18, 2023

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