*UNIVERSAL 18: Standing For An Apology Pt.1*

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"So, wait you and Shiro had different dates in the beginning, but now you're together because the Universe wanted you to," Lance says as he cocks his head to the right a bit in confusion.

"Well, yes and no. I didn't fall for him just because of the universal pull, but because I had feelings for him in the very beginning," Curtis smiled as he was reminiscing about the past.

"So, you're still in love," Lance says while putting his hand on his chin.

"Well, yes I'm still in love with him..." Curtis pauses before saying, "... But enough about me, this is about Katie. As her friend you need to understand that your friendship means everything to her. But to Galra's when another Galra tries to take there fated pair from each other the Galra males end up fighting to the death."

"What!?" Lance says as his eyes got big with shock.

"Yeah... Love is serious here. You are so lucky the Keith hadn't kill you," Curtis says as he had a small smile on his face. Which freaked out Lance a bit as he started smiling over how Lance could have died because of Keith.

"Right...? Is this why you wanted me to hear about you and Shiro's relationship," Lance says as he puts his left hand on his left cheek.

"Yes, because no matter what you do their love is as big as the universe. If they can't be together here they will be in the after life," Curtis says while licking his lips.

"That's deep," Lance says as he looked at the ground.

Curtis starts to shrug, "Tragic, but romantic as while. If you're scared that Keith might hurt Katie don't worry cause Galra's take their love lives very seriously."

"That's-" Lance says as he sighed. He had know idea what to say. All he wanted was to make sure Katie was safe. But instead he ended up hurting both her and Keith, "I feel like a fool," he mumbled.

"Yeah, but being a fool is a good thing. At least your foolish behavior lead to you wanting to protect your friend," Curtis says as he starts patting Lance's back, "Now, go talk to Katie. I'm sure she'll understand."

"Maybe, but I do need to talk with both Katie and Keith. I've been selfish and I'm starting to get this whole universal love situation. Thanks Curtis," Lance says as he hugs Curtis before getting up and leaving.

"You're welcome," Curtis smiled as he had watched Lance leave.

Meanwhile, while Lance was trying to find Katie, Shiro had been with Keith trying to calm him down.

"He is so lucky I didn't kill him!" Keith says as he walked back in fourth in frustration.

"Keith calm down I'm sure everything will work it self out," Shiro says as he watches Keith stressing himself out.

"Work out? Yeah sure it will," Keith says as he gasps dramatically.

"Keith, trust in Curtis, he's very good at convincing others. He's very down to earth with this matter," Shiro says as he pats Keith's back.

"Trust! Shiro I can't trust anybody! Everyone's ruining everything! This is the first time I felt anything with anybody and these are the things I get!" Keith says as he walks away from Shiro. But before Shiro could say anything Curtis had walked around the corner with a small smile plastered on his face, "Oh, look! Speak of the devil!" Keith says as he rolled his eyes.

"Shiro?" Curtis says as he looked at Keith then back at Shiro as he cocked his head slightly to the right in confusion.

Shiro shrugs his arms before saying, "Please tell me that smile is good news," Shiro says as he held Curtis's hands.

"It is!" Curtis says as he was jumping in excitement.

"While tell us," Shiro says as he was trying to stop Curtis's jumping.

"So, I talked with Lance..." Curtis says with a smile on his face.

"And!" Keith says as Curtis cocked his head back to look at him.

"... And he's willing to let you and Katie get married," Curtis says while clapping his hands in excitement.

"Nice job babe!" Shiro says as he hugs Curtis.

"So, the wedding is still on?" Keith says as he glared at Curtis.

"About that... You might have to wait..." Curtis was going to say more, but Keith interrupted him.

"Wait!? I'd have to wait!" Keith says as he points to himself.

"Yes, you are because Lance is trying to convince Katie to marry you. That and the fact that he wants to apologize for his behavior earlier," Curtis says with a pleading look on his face.

"Are you kidding me!?" Keith says as his face turned red with rage.

"Keith! Let Lance do his duty as Katie's bestfriend, okay. Let him work it out," Shiro says as he was yet again trying to calm down Keith.

"Fine!" Keith says as he went to the training deck to let off some steam.

Keith was clearly frustrated and he needed something to calm him down so while Keith was blowing off some steam by training. As well as being followed by Shiro and Curtis. Lance had finally found Katie who was with Romelle, Allura, and Hunk. They where all in Keith's and Katie's room trying to calm her down. As soon as Lance had walked in Allura had gotten up so, she could speak with him.

"What are you doing here?" Allura says as she had her arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm here to apologize," Lance says as his eyes started trembling.

"Apologize, Lance this is going to take more then an apologizing," Allura says as she starts to tap her foot.

"I know," Lance says as he looked at the ground.

"You hurt her Lance, what kind of bestfriend does that?" Allura says with a sorrowful look on her face.

"I know, which is why I'm going to fix it," Lance says as he looked Allura in the eyes as his face was filled with determination.

Lance was so confident that Allura had allowed him a chance to go see Katie. Allura stood outside as she didn't want to stand in between Lance's friendship. But one things for certain she was silently cheering her dim-witted husband on.

Meanwhile inside the room Lance had asked Romelle to give them some privacy.

"What is it now Lance?" Hunk says as he stood guard in front of Katie who was clearly whipping her tears away.

"I wanted to apologize... To both you and Katie... What I did wasn't right and I'm truly sorry for my actions," Lance says as he looked down at the ground in shame.

"Apologize? Lance you broke Katie's heart. What kind of friend does that," Hunk says as he rolled his eyes.

"I know and I'm sorry. At least allow me to explain why I did what I did," Lance says as he tried convincing Hunk.

"No, you don't deserve-"

"Wait Hunk, I want to hear what he has to say," Katie says as she cuts of Hunks speech and ended up gestured Lance to come closer to her.

This was it Lance was finally going to say what had been on his mind this entire time. He was so determined that he ended up talking way too long and way too much just so he could get his bestfriends back.


Word Count: 1234
Published: Thursday, May 25, 2023

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