*UNIVERSAL 6 - Back Home*

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It had been exactly three weeks since Katie had been back home. And three weeks filled with non-stop chatter from her friends.

Katie couldn't deal with the non-stop questions from home and at the academy that she attended. If anything the moment she got back she had stayed in her room. Sure Katie wanted to be home, but she had felt guilty leaving Keith all by himself when she herself couldn't answer his confession.

Katie felt even guiltier for stealing Kosmo Keith's dog. Yes, Katie still had Kosmo with her and ever since then Kosmo had stuck by her following within the shadows.

Kosmo is a good space dog and only listens to Keith and his athority, but Keith had tasked Kosmo with protecting Katie till the end of the month after the Galra's bridal month.

Sadly Katie had know clue what Kosmo was up to and didn't know he was tasked with such a tedious job. A couple weeks had past and Kosmo had disappeared indicating the end of the Galra's bridal month.

Of course Katie was a bit sadden by this as she had lost the only way to get back to Keith. Though she wanted to go home she hadn't realized that she missed Keith until she was unable to see him again.

Katie was so down in the dumps about the whole thing that even her friends where worried about her.

"Katie are you okay," Allura says as she sits next to Katie on her bed.

"I'm fine," she says as she starts to remove some papers out of Allura's sight.

"You could always tell me you know. Ever since you where found you've been acting strangely," Allura says as she inches closer toward the smaller Altean.

"I'm fine, I don't want to talk about it," Katie says while sighing.

Allura starts to sigh heavily before getting up from her bed, "Well I'm here if you ever need me," she says before walking out of Katie's room.

Katie on the other hand had pulled out her papers she had hid earlier and started to study it. Ever since Kosmo had left Katie had studied the many solar systems all around the galaxies. She really wanted to see Keith and she was too stress to think about anything else.

She hadn't realized that her family and friends where all worried for her, but she was too busy to notice anything that was going on.

That was until one night her bother had walked into her room and had seen her notes on her table. He had proceeded to read the notes until Katie came back from eating dinner down stairs.

"What are you doing?" Katie says as she proceeds to walk into her own bedroom.

"Katie what's Galra?" Her brother says as she looked at her brothers right hand.

"Matt," she squiled as she ran over to get the papers of her plans to see Keith again.

"Who's Keith?" He asked as Katie had snatched the papers out of his hands.

"Be quiet," Katie says as she fixes the papers that she had crumbled.

"So, explain," Matt says as he sits on Katie's bed.

Katie sighs as she explains everything to him, "...And that's what happened."

Matt starts to shake his head in understanding, "Hm, okay so you went to Galra met a Galran male and had fallen in love with him. Is that what I'm hearing."

"I never said I was in love," Katie says as her voice was slightly higher than normal.

"Oh yeah, well tell it to your red face cause it's super duper red like a tomato," Matt says teasingly.

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