*UNIVERSAL 5 - Keith's Wrath*

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Two Hours Before The Escape:

"Katie you're staying in here," Keith says as he puts on his pants.

"Eh?" Katie said confused as she had know idea what he was talking about, "Is that a question or..."

When she looked at Keith he had glared at her so intently that it felt like he was getting ready to hurt her, "It wasn't a question. It was a demand," he says as he was now putting on his shoes.

"What do you mean, I'd have to stay in here? I've been coped up in this room for two weeks. I didn't complain before because I'd thought you wanted me to rest since I've been up and about. But now you're saying I can't leave at all," Kaite says as she puts her hands on her hips in frustration.

Keith just shook his head, "Just don't leave," he says as he walks out the room.

Kaite sighs before hearing a click at the door, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me," she says as she runs to the door. As soon as she had turned the nob it wouldn't open. "He seriously locked me in here," she says as she had kick the door in frustration.

Katie couldn't believe he locked her in the room. She had wondered what was going on with him. He was much more ruder and seemed to be agitated about something.

Kaite of course couldn't do anything at the moment since she's stuck in the room. While she was in the room she read her boredom away. But that only lasted ten minutes.

She's been locked in the room for two weeks and no bodies come to check on her. She didn't know what to do she had already read all the books in the room. As she laid on the floor staring at the door she was about to fall a sleep when she saw non other then Kosmo. She had watched Kosmo teleport from outside the room to inside the room.

Kaite couldn't believe her eyes all this time Kosmo could travel through space and matter just by teleporting.

"Kosmo get me out of here," Katie says as she held onto the space dog.

The second she was in Keith's room the minute she gets teleported into the hallway.

"Nice job Kosmo!" Katie exclaims as she gives Kosmo a space treat. Of course not without earning a pleasant bark from Kosmo. Katie laughs as she says, "Now, come on Kosmo let's go find Keith." She says as she runs down the hallway with Kosmo following right behind her.

Meanwhile as for Keith he was currently testing out the new and improved ship that was to set out with Katie at any given moment.

"Hey Keith, what are you doing over there?" At the sound of his name Keith had turned his head to a Shiro.

Shiro is a taller-than-average galra male with a Herculean physique. He has a broad face and a strong jaw, piercing dark gray eyes and a long, straight nose. He has a jagged pink scar running across the bridge of his nose. He has light purple skin compared to other Galra and has dark hair styled in an undercut. Due to the stress of being a Galra gladiator, he also has a fluffy white streak located just above his hairline. He has one prosthetic arm to replace his right arm which was removed when he was fighting in the gladiator pits, the arm was formed by Galra tech; it has grey plating and a rubbery black layer covering his fingers and the crook of his elbow.

"Geez Shiro, where did you come from," Keith says as he puts his tools down.

"I was just walking around. Any way what are you doing her shouldn't you be next to Katie right now," Shiro says while snickering.

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