*UNIVERSAL 16: Testing The Limits*

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The day of the test was here, a week had past like it was nothing and now it was time for Shiro, Curtis and a couple crew members Thace and Ulaz to start the test. As soon as they got inside the testing pod they had begun their exams.

The exam was based on how well they could work together when cracked under pressure. Basically when something happens to the people in space and the people in the control room have to steer them back home. It might have been simple, but when if feels like all hope is lost them that's when the test is over and that's how they would fail.

Curtis had taken this test five times and each time he took one he'd always succeeded as for Shiro he only took the test two times since he went out on missions. But he did impress the operator's with how quick he was at calming down his members when in distress which made him pass in the first place.

But as they did this test Thace was the one mending the commands while Ulaz was inspecting the team members as he was working with the testing operator's. As for Curtis and Shiro they both where following Thace's intell. Of course they also said their own input on the matter. It's best to work as a team then work alone.

The test itself didn't have a time limit as long as you make it till the end of the testing simulation then you passed. But if a buzzer goes off you had failed the mission. This test is taken every year, but for those in training it takes three times a year. This is so no mistake are taken when doing a mission as well as making sure everyone on a mission comes back home safely.

Shiro's team didn't take long on the test as they had a great team filled with those who are more experienced then him. The test only took them two hours and during that time everyone in the testing room had thought rationally to make sure the mission went will. Though Curtis was the only human he felt a bit intimidated as he was as intelligent as Galra's, but he had managed when Thace had made a mistake and Curtis had pointed it out. That mistake is what made them finished the test with high marks. Curtis felt happy as he had finally done something useful.

After the test Shiro couldn't help, but see how happy Curtis was though you couldn't see it on his face his eyes had shown a glimmer of confidence. He stood tall and had looked at his superior officer in the eyes, which was a first for Curtis. At that moment Shiro wanted to tell him he liked him, but before he had the chance to Ben showed up out of a testing room in the other hall around the corner from Shiro's testing room.

He was waving at Curtis with a smile on his face as he walked over, "I passed!"

"Congrats, I passed as well!" Curtis says as he high fived Ben.

"I could have swored that I was going to fail. Thank goodness I didn't," Ben says as he sighed in relief.

"I feel you, but at least my teammates where there to help," Curtis says as he pats Ben's back.

"You did well Curtis, if you hadn't figured out that the gas chambers was going to explode because of a oxygen leak in the gas chambers that ship would have exploded," Thace says as he smiled.

"Oh, um... Well if it wasn't for your commands it wouldn't have been easy getting passed those mediators in the beginning of the test," Curtis says as his face turned a bit dark.

"Well, I mean you did good," Thace says as he puts a thumbs up at Curtis. Thace felt akward when Curtis had complimented him since he was complimenting Curtis on how well he did.

Before Curtis could say anymore Shiro had stepped in, "Take the compliment Curtis, you did good and that's a fact. Have a bit more confidence in yourself," he says as he pats Curtis's back.

It had been a while since Curtis had felt Shiro's strong muscler hands that his face had turned bright red, "Oh... Thank you," Curtis says as he looked down so no one could see his face.

"Curtis let's go out drinking since we passed!" Ben says as he linked arms with Curtis.

"Um..." Curtis says as he hummed.

"Please... Pretty please!" Ben says as he pleaded with Curtis.

With much persuasion Curtis had said yes to Ben's relentless pleads. Curtis along with Ben and Shiro had went out for drinks. As for Thace he still had unfinished business to attend to, so he couldn't join them.

That night Curtis, Ben and Shiro had stayed out all night they had kicked off the night by going drinking at the bar than bowling than karaoke. They had ended the night with them taking a stroll by the park to sober up.

"I cannot believe that you can actually sing Curtis," Ben says as he laughed.

"Oh, come on quit saying that," Curtis says as he slightly pushed Ben away from him.

"No, seriously you are good at singing," Ben says as he tries to hug Curtis.

"Ew, get away," Curtis says as he places his hands on top of Ben's head in a playful manner.

"Geez, why do I even bother hanging around a bunch of drunkards anyway," Shiro says teasingly.

"Hey! I didn't drink that much," Ben says as he points at Shiro.

"Oh yeah, you had more then five glasses," Shiro says as he puts up the number five on his fingers.

"While technically Shiro you had more then eleven," Curtis says as he smiled teasingly.

"My tolerance is better then the two of you, I can still think rationally," Shiro says as he points at Curtis teasingly.

The three of them had laughed, but within seconds of laughing Ben had pointed out a bench and had pulled Curtis along with him followed by Shiro following behind the two fools. As they where getting closer Ben had pulled Curtis into a kiss.

Within seconds Shiro had puched Ben in the face, "What the hell is wrong with you!" Shiro said has his eyes where blood shot red and it wasn't because of the alcohol.

"What you got a problem with that," Ben says as got up from the floor, "You don't even like him."

"What!" Shiro says as he was about to throw another punch at him.

But before Shiro did anything they could hear Curtis's muffled sobs. When they turned to look at Curtis his face was red and his eyes where filled with tears. His face had an anonymous feeling of dread as his eyes had darken ever so slightly.

"How could you!" Curtis says as he ran from shame. He couldn't believe that his crush was standing there while he was being kissed by another dude. Curtis couldn't help, but feel like he didn't deserve to be with Shiro since that scene had taken place.

As Curtis had ran he had felt his head pond as he didn't have enough oxygen as he was crying while running. Though Curtis was tired and felt as if he was going to pass out from exhaustion he never stopped.

While running he hadn't noticed that someone had pulled him making him stop running. He had came face to face with non-other then Shiro who had a look of desperation on his face.


Word Count: 1276
Published: Sunday, May 21, 2023

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