*UNIVERSAL 12: Curtis's First Love PT.2 *

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   "YES! I WON!" Shiro says triumphantly as he watched the bowling ball hit all the pins in one roll earning him a strike.

   "Dang that was really good!" Curtis says as he gives Shiro a thumbs up.

   "See told you I was going to make you forget about that jerk," Shiro says as he sits down next to Curtis as he starts munching on pizza goop.

   "Yeah, I guess you're right," Curtis says as he nods in agreement, "We should hangout more."

   Shiro then cracks his head towards Curtis as he tilts his head a bit to the right in confusion, "Hangout?"

   "Y-yeah, if you want that is," Curtis says as his face turned slightly red with embarrassment eminenton his face.

   "Pft, I'm teasing. Of course I'd love to hangout with you more," Shiro says while smiling. Curtis starts to nod his head before eating a slice of his pepperoni pizza.

   The two boys where taking a snack break before resuming there fourth and final round. After all they had been playing for an hour without any breaks and this was there last round.

   After a couple of minutes of sitting down enjoying themselves the two had started up a conversation. They had talked about themselves and even told each other there hobbies. Oddly enough they had more in common then there boyfriends (in this case Ben, Curtis's ex).

   The both wanted to travel the galaxy, they wanted to explore the rest of the solar system and meet other living organisms. They also shared there deep admiration about being a paladin, well maybe Shiro did. But Curtis had a dream of becoming a pilot which is why he took Flight Class 101 in college.

   Meanwhile as they where talking someone had came over slightly banging his hands onto the table that Curtis and Shiro where sitting at. When they both looked up at then they could see a smiling Adam and a slim smirk from Ben as he was behind Adam.

   "Hey, guys. Whatcha doin'?" Adam says as he slightly tilts his head to the right in irritation.

   "Oh, hey Adam," Shiro says while smiling.

   "Hi," Adam says while smiling at Shiro, "What are you guys doing here?"

   "Boiling," Shiro says bluntly.

   Meanwhile Curtis was forced on looking at the floor he was too afraid to look at Adam and his ex Ben. He knew if he looked at both of them he might end up spilling out what they had done in his bedroom to Shiro. He was also afraid that if he told Shiro what had happened that Shiro might think that he was lying. Granted Curtis could never tell a lie after all when he lies he normally loses eye contact with others and his ears get slightly red.

   "Wait a minute!?" Shiro says as all eyes shifted toward him, "Adam?" Shiro says as he turned toward his boyfriend.

   "What is-" before Adam had the chance to utter another word Shiro had grabbed his arm frivolously.

   "Why do you smell like Ben?" Shiro says as his golden eyes had turned slightly red.

   "W-what do you m-mean?" Adam says while stuttering.

   "You smell like Ben," Shiro says as he looks Adam in the eyes.

   "Well of course I do silly," Adam says as he places his right hand on Shiro's left shoulder, "I was hanging out with him today."

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