*UNIVERSAL 21: Share The Love*

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It's been five years since Keith's and Katie's wedding, now they are enjoying there married life together.

The night of the wedding they had conceived their first born child, Kaiser. Than a year later after Kaiser was born; his sister, Kaia was born. And last but not least the youngest, Kaiden who was born just last year.

Katie and Keith had decided to give then names that started with K, because Katie thought it would be cute and since Keith didn't want to make Katie angry he just agreed. But he agreed as long as he could name them, which ended in a weird predicament since all the kids have Kai in there names, but Katie didn't care since she thought their names where so cute.

The last five years felt like a dream to both Keith and Katie the kids where growing way too fast; Kaiser and Kaia where already in school and Kaiden was too young to go to school. They still felt sad as they watch there children grow right before there very eyes.

When the children where born they had characteristics of that of a human being, Kaiser though he looked like his Keith he had pale skin nothing of Galra nor Altean. But when Kaiser gets super angry his skin turns purple. As for Kaia she looked like her mom but she, too didn't have anything Galra nor Altean. As for Kaiden he looked more Galra than Altean as he had markings of a Galra.

Though the kids didn't have any characteristics of their parents Katie and Keith had assumed it was cause Keith was part human. Both Katie and Keith didn't mind their kids look like humans if anything it only made their clans stronger. So, as the kids grew both Katie and Keith had taught their kids to be strong especially when they where faced with prejudice. The kids where born into this world without being asked, so Katie and Keith had taken upon themselves to make sure the kids grew up with a kind, loving, understanding family as well as a strong willed one.

Though these last five years had been lovely they hope that one day their kids would grow up loving everybody even if the world didn't like them.

But since it was summer on Earth Katie and Keith had taken the kids to Altea since it was Kaiden's first time visiting Altea. Though they went to Katie's vacation home which was on near a lake they just wanted to spend more time together.

Katie was at home with Kaiden who was currently eating since it was feeding time. Meanwhile Keith had Kaiser and Kaia swimming in the lake. Today was a beautiful day to go swimming since the sun was shining and there was no cloud cover, it was just perfect.

"Mama!" Katie had turned around to see a little boy with black hair as he slams through the door with his arm floaters still on him.

"Kaiser!?" Katie says as she saw Kaiser dripping water all over the front door, "Kaiser you're still wet," Katie says as she gets up from feeding Kaiden and walks over to Kaiser with a towel in her hand, "I told you to dry off first before you come in," she says as she leads Kaiser out the front door.

"That's cause he's stupid!" A little girl with long brown hair says as she walks pasted Kaiser and Katie.

"Am not!" Kaiser says while yelling at his sister as she was inside the house.

"Are too!" She yelled while running up the stairs to change.

"Am not!" He says as he starts stretching his neck back.

Which caused him to accidentally bump into someone's leg, "Woh, there buddy!"

Katie had looked up to see Keith standing there while smiling, "Hey hunny!" She says as she starts drying Kaiser's hair with a towel.

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