*UNIVERSAL 14: It's Getting Hot In Here*

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This chapter contains SMUT related things that might be disturbing for some viewers. There will also be scenes of sexual assault. So be cautious when reading this character. If you below 18+ do not say I didn't warn you. Any way happy reading.

After the incident with Adam and Ben, Shiro and Curtis no longer affiliated themselves with them. Though Adam still tries to talk with Shiro and Shiro just blantly ignore him. While for Curtis and Ben though they are no longer dating they are still on good terms since they had known each other longer.

Curtis and Ben had worked our there differences and though Shiro told Curtis he shouldn't forgive him easily he still took it upon himself to still being friends. Of course Curtis never truly forgiven Ben for what he did he still wanted to befriend him since Ben had been there for him when he was in a tight spot when he was younger.

For a while now Curtis and Shiro had both gotten closer it was to the point where they had spare keys to each other's houses. Curtis would sometimes sleep over at Shiro's place when he had late night studying at school and Shiro's place was the closes to the school. Shiro on the other had would show up unannounced at Curtis's place.

There closeness had been questioned a couple times by there other friends, but that didn't stop them from hanging out. Though others questioned there relationship all they could say was that they where both bestfriends.

There friendship had gotten each other out of sticky situations like going on bad dates, ditching out on high school reunions, mixers and other things. They both had become each other's life line. When one was in trouble the other would try hard to fix the situation. These where the earlier stages of there friendship hanging out with each other and being there for each other in one's time of need...

... But its been three years since there friendship had blossomed and now they are out there in the work force be pilots. Shiro had become a pilot which Curtis had specialized in mechanics, though Curtis wanted to be a pilot he was stuck working at the control systems instead.

Since Shiro rarely comes home and Curtis ends up being in the office the two of them had decided to live together. Normally when Shiro comes back from a mission he and Curtis both take two weeks off just to relax at home. Some Shiro would be gone from one mission for about a month and Curtis rarely takes off they both had decided to take off.

When Shiro does come home both he and Curtis go out to buy new supplies like food, furniture, clothes and other things they might need at home. They also celebrate Shiro's return by having a big feast and drinking at home.

But this time was different when Shiro came back he was super sick and had to stay in bed all day. Curtis was very worried considering that as soon as Shiro was home he had locked himself in his room and stayed there without coming out.

"S-Shiro," Curtis called, "Are you alright in there," he says as he lightly nocks on Shiro's bedroom door.

"I'm... Fine," Shiro says menacingly as he starts pausing in between his words.

"S-shiro?" Curtis says worridly as he moves a couple steps away from the door.

"Just... Not... Now... Curtis," Shiro says as he held back his voice which only made Curtis more worried. But Curtis didn't want to press a sick person any further.

"Okay, just let me know when you need anything," Curtis says before walking away from Shiro's room.

As soon as Curtis had walked away from Shiro's room he went straight to the kitchen to whip up some porridge for Shiro. About thirty minutes later and he was back in front of Shiro's room again.

"S-Shiro I made porridge for you if you're hungry," Curtis whispers as he lightly knocks on the door, "I-I'll leave it in front of the door," Curtis says as he starts walking away from Shiro's door.

But as soon as he started to walk away that's when he had felt arms around his torso, "Curtis..."

"Yes, Shiro?" Curtis says as he was facing the hallway in front of him as he was too afraid to look behind him.

"Help... Me..." Shiro says as he grips Curtis closer to him.

"What's wrong?" Curtis says as he was too flustered to say anything else.

"I'm... Sorry..." Shiro says as he starts rubbing his head on the nape of Curtis's neck.

"S-Shiro!" Curtis says as he was trying to pull away from him only for Shiro to pull him right back.

"I... Can't..." Shiro says as he picks up Curtis.

"Wait! S-Shiro!" Curtis called as Shiro took him into his room.

"For... Give... Me..." Shiro says as he literally throws Curtis onto his bed and lays down next to him face to face.

"Shiro~" Curtis says as he was too stunned to even process at what just happened.

"I... Need... You..." Shiro says as he grabs Curtis by his torso.

Before Curtis could say anything else Shiro had tangled his and Curtis's legs together. Shiro had his left leg in between Curtis's thighs while Curtis's right leg was in between Shiro's thighs. And the more Shiro keeps pulling Curtis closer to him he could feel both his leg and Shiro's leg rubbing each other's dicks.

"Ah, Shiro!" Curtis squeals as he closes his eyes tightly in embarrassment.

"Hmm..." Shiro hums as he starts licking Curtis's neck.

"Shiro!" Curtis says as he pulls Shiro's face away from his neck.

"Sorry... Smell... Good..." Shiro says as his panting had become irregular.

"Ah... Shiro... Gah..." Curtis says as he covers his mouth as Shiro had started to rub himself up against Curtis.

"Help me... I'm sorry... In heat..." Shiro says as he keeps rubbing Curtis while kissing him on his neck.

"Why... Gah..." Curtis says as he cried out in both shame and pleasure.

That night Curtis was forced to lay beside Shiro as they both had came on both each other no thanks to Shiro's intense rubbing. Shiro of course was strong enough not to hurt Curtis all he did was lick and kiss Curtis's neck to help him with stand his heat cycle. But in the course of three days Curtis had never left Shiro's bed and though Curtis had, had enough of pleasure to last a lifetime Shiro wouldn't even let him go, even when he had to use the bathroom Shiro was there and if he wanted water Shiro would get it for him as for food he hadn't eaten for three days. Curtis had never felt more drained as he did right now.

Once it was over Shiro took care of Curtis as he kept apologizing for messing with him. Shiro felt so bad for Curtis to the point that he no longer hung out with him as much and when he did he no longer touched Curtis and when he did he'd end up apologizing again.

This only made Curtis guilty as he knew that it wasn't Shiro's felt and each time he tells Shiro this he would just go back into a depressed state. Curtis didn't know what to do all he wanted to do was make sure that Shiro was alright. But ever since that day there living situation was awkward. How was Curtis supposed to live like this? After all Curtis still liked Shiro, but now his crush was avoiding him over his uncontrollable heat cycle.


Word Count: 1241
Published: Monday, May 15, 2023

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