Ghost of the Past

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Azur Lane base, admiral's office

Wales is looking outside and seeing the rain pouring.

Wales: A storm is coming.

 Cleveland: Wales!

Wale: What seems to be the problem, Cleveland?

Cleveland: We received a distress signal coming from these coordinates.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Hammann can be seen pouting about getting wet.

Hammann: I can't believe I have to get wet again.

Cleveland: Sorry, but we can't just ignore a distress signal. Closing in on coordinates.

Enterprise: Affirmative.

Cleveland: ...

Enterprise: ...

Cleveland: WAIT!!! What are you doing here?

Enty: I tried to stop her, but she won't listen.

Cleveland: You too!

Enterprise: No matter, we are closing in.

Belfast: Do you always begin a mission this damaged!?

Hammann: Shut up! I see something over there.

They all looked in the direction Hamman was pointing at, and they sight multiple siren ships.

Cleveland: Sirens! Battlestations!

Enterprise: No, look closely.

Belfast: They have already experienced battle.

Enty: I'll take, point hold here I will send my scout planes.

Cleveland: But you can't send planes in this weather.

Enty: No wonder you never won your war with the sirens. They teach us to be reckless; it's our job to learn when to use it.

Enty launches her Helldivers because it's impossible to aim your torpedoes in this shitstorm.

Enty: 4 unknowns but there are two friendlies.

Enterprise: Cover my flank.

Cleveland: Huh!

Enterprise speeds away from the group leaving Cleveland frustrated.

Cleveland: You know what, screw it; let her die!

Enty: *silently* Was I like that?

Belfast: ...

Enterprise evades the siren shipwrecks until she came upon a cruiser.

Enterprise: This must be it.

Enterprise boards the ship and sights two girls; one is hugging her sister while the other is unconscious.

Enterprise's mind: This outfit... She must be from the Dragon Empery,

Enterprise: Don't worry, I belong to the Azur lane rapid response force. We tracked your distress signal. My friends should be arriving.

Just then, a siren ship activates and starts turning its turret towards Ping Hai's ship.

Ning Hai: It's still moving!

Ping Hai: Run sister...

Ning Hai: No I will not leave my big sister behind!

Enterprise had a flashback with her sister Yorktown, and that's when she made her decision. She decided to draw the fire of the siren ship, but when she tried to launch her planes, her deck tore itself apart.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now