The First Marker and Secret Service

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Azur Lane HQ

Wales calls an emergency session due to something strange happening with the map Enterprise received. Wales, QE, Warspite, Hood, Belfast, and Enterprise gather around the map with a glowing marker.

Wales: First of all, Enterprise, do you know what's it doing?

Enterprise: I don't know, but the marker is clearly glowing.

Hood: What could this mean?

Warspite: Did we consider the location at which the marker is pointing?

Belfast: It's located in the Denmark Strait.

QE: It's obvious; that we should go there and investigate.

Wales: But what if it's a trap?

Enterprise: I don't think it is.

They all looked at Enterprise.

Wales: What do you mean...?

Enterprise: The.... Cube told me that we would get information. What kind of information is beyond me?

Wales: Do you trust it? The cube might be misleading us.

Enterprise: It won't.

Wales: Fine.... All in favor of investigating the Denmark Strait; please signify by saying aye.

Everyone: Aye!!!

Wales: Very well. Me and HMS Hood will be heading there now. But we will stop by Royal Navy to refuel and rearm.

Everyone nods and leaves the room except Enterprise.

Enterprise: Can I come with you? After all, I am the one who was able to communicate with the cube.

Wales: Hmmm. Very well, you will join us tomorrow morning at 06:00.

(06:00) Azur Lane docks

Hornet: Take care, sister!

Vestal: Make sure to not damage your ship again!

Enterprise: Don't worry, I won't.

Hood: We should go, Ms. Enterprise.

Enterprise nodded at Hood, and they boarded their ships and left for Royal Navy.

Timeskip to Royal Navy

Enterprise, Wales, and Hood arrived at the Royal Navy based in Scapa Flow. They were given clearance to dock and were greeted by Wales's sisters.

KGV: Welcome little sis! What brings you over to this blasted rock?

Duke: Ara~ara Looks like you brought me another treat~

Howe: Hey, big sis.

Wales: Long time no see; I missed you all very much.

KGV: I'm surprised you weren't ambushed by sirens or Iron Blood.

Wales: What can I say? I have Lucky E herself on my side.

Enterprise: Enough with the flattery, Wales.

Wales: Let's head inside, shall we?

Scapa Flow HQ

KGV: I know this isn't some family visit for you to travel all the way here.

Wales: As much as I want to deny it, your right. We came here to investigate the area around the Denmark Strait.

KGV: And for what reason?

Wales: We have reason to believe that the Black Mental Cube is trying to tell or show us something.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now