Truth of Life

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The next day Azur Lane base.

Enterprise and Belfast can be seen walking together at the docks.

Enterprise: Why do you keep following me?

Belfast: I believe I have taken an interest in you.

Enty: That doesn't sound creepy at all.

Belfast: Forgive me, but I was instructed to keep an eye on you and I'm not that great at subterfuge.

Enterprise: It's okay and besides I don't need your help.

Belfast: Enty requested me to take care of you.

Enterprise: Tell her I appreciate it but don't need her help.

Belfast: Your life was in danger; you are lucky to be alive.

Enterprise: And I thank you.

Belfast couldn't help but be baffled.

Belfast: That precise attitude is the reason Enty is in the infirmary in the first place.

Enterprise stopped, which gave her the attention she needed.

Belfast: Let me teach you the decorum of a lady.

Enterprise looked at her and sighed.

Enterprise: Fine...

Belfast smiled and gestured for Enterprise to follow her.

Meanwhile in the Sakura Empire.

Akagi can be seen laying some flowers on a shrine she set up for her sister Amagi.

Akagi: *sniffles* Oh Amagi sama, I'm so close to bringing you back.

Kaga: You need not worry sister, the project is almost complete.

Akagi: Soon we will be together again big sis.

Yukikaze: Akagi. Nagato has summoned you.

Akagi and Kaga looked at Yukikaze and nodded.

10 minutes later.

Akagi: Nagato sama.

Akagi prostrated herself before the battleship loli.

Nagato: Why haven't I seen Shokaku and Zuikaku when you arrived at the port? Not only that Iron Blood is questioning where Prinz Eugen is located.

Akagi: While sending them to attack a detached fleet they came across... Two Enterprises.

Nagato's eyes widened.

Mutsu: What do you mean two? Do you mean two Gray Ghosts?

Kaga: The other one is the original Enterprise, but the other is far stronger, and she calls herself the Red Star.

Nagato: Red Star?

Akagi: Her flag and appearance are far different from Eagle Union; even her prefix is different. Yet she pledged allegiance to Azur Lane.

Nagato: Do we know anything about where she came from and why?

Kaga: We sent Ayanami again to gather intel and she learned that she came from a world where there were no Sirens.

Nagato and Mutsu: WHAT!!!

Mutsu: Wait why did they invent the kansen then?

Akagi: they were built to fight other humans and ship girls.

Nagato: So war really never changes.

Back in Azur Lane.

Belfast can be seen preparing a proper breakfast for Enterprise. Belfast pours some tea for Enterprise and she looks at her.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now