Past Life

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Azur Lane base HQ

Both Dragon Empery girls stand before a council ready to justify their circumstances up to this point.

Ning Hai: I and my sister received an unknown transmission; when we triangulated its position in a strait, we went to investigate.

Wales: Do you have any idea what the transmission contained?

Ning Hai: It was encrypted, all we got out of it was "Force Z".

Ping Hai: But the encrypted message looked eerily similar to Royal Navy codes.

Illustrious: Impossible! We kept are codes secret.

Hood: What happens next?

Ning Hai: We arrived at the location and we saw Sakura planes attacking some unidentified shipgirls.

Ping Hai: They bore a strange flag and...

Wales: And what...?

Ping Hai: They looked exactly like you.

Everyone: !!?

Ning Hai: Let me explain.

Ning Hai then produced a folder with a single picture.

Ning Hai then produced a folder with a single picture

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All of them gasped in shock.

Ning Hai: This is the only picture we got of them; we didn't manage to capture them in their usual form because the enemy immediately attacked.

Illustrious: The silhouette of that ship looks just like yours Wales.

Ning Hai: She looked exactly like her, albeit wearing different clothing, and her posture was more stoic.

Ping Hai: We saw them get attacked, but before we could help there was a flash and they all disappeared.

Enterprise: What do you mean by disappeared!?

Ping Hai: I mean, they disappeared out of thin air.

QE: This is simply preposterous!

Ning Hai: After that, we set out for Azur Lane to question the strange phenomenon before sirens ambushed us.

Warspite: This seems to be connected to Enty.

Illustrious: But should we ask her?

They all looked at Illustrious before realizing what she meant.

Hood: Unfortunately, she is our only lead.

Enterprise: What about project Orochi?

Wales: From the intelligence we got from them, all they know is that she is a massive ship under construction.

QE: Do they even have enough resources to complete the project.

Enterprise: They have aligned themselves with the sirens; perhaps they are receiving aid from them.

They spend the rest of the time debating outcomes and solutions.

Meanwhile, at the beach, Enty is lost in thought.


Everyone was celebrating the end of the civil war; heck. Hornet drank herself to death back at the bar. But Enty only wanted to celebrate alone.

???: Hey, need a drink.

Enty: No thanks.

???: Come on ya gotta have at least one swig of ma daddy's beer.

Enty: Who are you anyway?

???: Me, I'm just the son of an Irish immigrant who made his way making homemade beer.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now