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When Hibo had been called elsewhere, a minor lord found Delilah and forced her to attend a couple of court gatherings to show her face. Delilah watched the court machinations whirl in front of her but barely took anything in, her own mind working too furiously for her to do much more than offer vague, insipid comments. She saw nothing of Kaya or Nell and wondered if they'd realised how close Delilah had come to sacrificing them for the greater good... And how her mind had rebelled against the idea. They should be grateful, but if they knew about her thoughts, she doubted they would be.

When evening fell, Delilah retrieved the salacious book she had found with Kaya and brought it back to her room, where she drew the sheets to her chin feeling like a rebellious adolescent. She could no longer stop herself from thinking of her upcoming wedding, and far from distracting her, reading the book only made her feel more jittery and nervous. She leaped out of bed and paced up and down.

There was a solution, a risky one. Would she risk getting out of the palace to arrange it or could she send Nell? No, she'd rather put plans into motion herself, but she knew that Tiberius would soon come knocking and asking for answers after her foray... He wasn't stupid, he would definitely have known who lit the fire last night... Already, the whole palace was abuzz with the news.

Delilah sighed, looking outside. She'd developed a seamless routine of sneaking out by now with Kaya and Nell. Between Tiberius and her marriage, she didn't have much freedom left, so even if Tiberius was on his way now, she may as well take advantage of a free night and get things done.

She had an idea, a primal urge. Perhaps it was madness, but she could still feel dried blood beneath her nails, and she felt invincible.


She had only one rule: she would not think about Dante.

Rule one broken already. Nice going, Delilah.

Silence, she told the snide voice inside her head.

"He's going to find the knife when he undresses you," Nell said.

"I don't care."

Dying light spilled across the street, turning dust in the air to flecks of gold, but the two women huddled in an alley were deemed insignificant by the crowd bustling past them.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Nell asked, watching Delilah tying the sheath around her thigh.

"Of course. Do not question me." Delilah pulled a fold of her izar wrap over her head to mask her hair.

"And it won't affect what happens later? What about the second reason you're out here?"

"It's not as if I want to spend the entire night with him." Delilah drew herself up to her full height, repeating, "You do not get to question me."

"I'm just concerned for you," Nell replied. Her ebony skin was like velvet in the shadows which almost concealed her from view. "Be careful."

"I do not need you wishing me luck."

"If I don't see you tomorrow..."

"Stop that," Delilah ordered. "Everything will go as according to plan. I have been waiting long enough."

Without another word, she left Nell and strode towards the unassuming stone arch which marked the tavern, just another figure cloaked in fabric.

She was invisible. And although she was a creature born for velvet and gold, for the weight of a crown, she rather liked the feeling. For a heartbeat she was back in Oddzo with Dante by her side... She shook her head to rid herself of the memory.

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