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"I don't feel good," Ella whines leaning the seat to the car back.

She takes off her seat belt and turns to her side, looking over at me driving. I glance over at her for a second before looking back at the long road and replying, "take a nap we still have a long way rose."

I reach over grabbing her hand, and bring the back of it to my lips, gently kissing it, "we'll be home in a few. After we get off of this dirt road we just need to turn left, and we're back on the regular route."

The faster way home is blocked off by construction workers because they're adding a connected road to the other.

She drags my hand over to her stomach and I turn my head looking over at her with a smile. When I look back at the road there's a car speeding towards us in the wrong lane, I swerve over into the grass and firmly place my hand on Ella to make sure she stays in her seat.

What the fuck!

They continue speeding down the lane and Ella sits up in her seat, "what the hell was that," she asks looking towards the back seat.

"A car," I say trying to back up. My car starts to shake, so I give up pulling out my phone, "I'll get you a Uber home and call for a tow truck."

She places her hand on my cheek and turns my head towards her, leaning over and kissing me with meaning. I feel warm and fuzzy the more intense our kiss gets.

She drags her lips away from mine, making sure to give me a few more pecks, "what was that for beautiful," I ask forming a cheeky smile.

I love Ella and I see a future with her.

I don't care who it may piss off, but I'm willing to give my all for this woman. It's not just sex. I feel something deeper... something undeniable in my soul and heart.

Her touch sends a warm shiver down my spine.

Her smile gives me goosebumps.

Her laugh is contagious and I find myself laughing along with her when she's watching 'funny dog videos.'

Her vanilla smell is something I can't drive myself to pull away from.

I'm in love...

She shrugs her shoulders, "I just like kissing you.."

She leans over to kiss me but I look over to her window seeing that same car speeding. Everything starts to move slowly, but it's all going by so quickly.

It hits us within seconds. It wasn't enough time for me to warn Ella of what was to come.

The car flips a multitude of times, glass slicing every part of me that's opened- my arms, face, and legs.

I hear the screams and cries of Ella and I reach over holding her against the passenger seat. She didn't have her seatbelt on and every time the car landed on the roof it was a loud thud and cracks from bones.

I scream when I feel a big piece of glass going deep into my arm and when the car stops I look over to see Ella with blood coming from her forehead, and her eyes closed.

"Ella!" I holler.


I yell even louder when she doesn't answer the first time.

She's unconscious... or dead.

I try to move my arm with the glass in it to check her pulse, but my body physically won't let me.

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