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We've been locked up for a day now.

They only allowed us to go to the bathroom and five guys went in with me, Ella's brother had to go in with her.

People guarded the whole perimeter of the warehouse staring us down. Half of them left when David enters the building, but he was not there.

Ella looks like she's beyond the meaning of 'suffering.'

Her arms tense now and again like she's trying to grab onto something, followed by low pitch painful moans.

"Rose... baby, look at me," I sit up as tall as I can and lean over some.

We're close enough to lean over and kiss each other, and if she's okay with kissing me I hope it helps whatever pain she's feeling right now.

She slowly lifts her head but doesn't look me in the eyes. She looks like she's in a different place mentally.

Her eyes are red from the lack of sleep and the increasing heat in this room. The heat is so thick I can hardly breathe, but I'll make it for my rose.

So we can get out of here, and start a life together.

She squeezes her eyes tight again and squirms in her seat, whining.

"How can y'all stand here and let her be in pain! She's a woman and didn't do anything," I holler to the two guards standing in the warehouse.

I start pulling my wrist upwards as hard as I possibly can and continues to yell to them, "all of you are pussies for letting this happen!"

The rope cuts on my skin but I still pull up on it, "just know as soon as I get out of here you're all dead! I will kill you with my own fucking hands," the rope loosens a little and I try to slide my hand out of it.

No luck.

They better hope I don't make it out of here alive.

"Ella please look at me," tears travel down my cheek and when she finally locks eyes with me I say, "let me give you a kiss."

Our knees almost touch so it's not hard for us to lean over and we do, pressing my lips against hers I start to control the kiss and she follows.

I pull away after a few seconds whispering against them, "I'm going to love you even after my last breath, and when you make it out of here I don't want you to think any of this was caused by you."

She looks at me with pleading eyes and I finally get the courage to say the only words that sum up my feelings for her.

"I love you, rose."

I wish there were words that goes deeper than love.

I wish I would've taken her out more and showered her with more love.

I wish I would've made her mine before all of this.

"I love you too, hunny."

She smiles through her tears before saying, "I think we're going to make it out together," her tone is like she's trying to convince herself of something all while trying to convince me, "we have to get out of here, hun...We really have to."

The most painful thing about death is leaving the people you love the most. Liam and Ella are everything to me, and it's sad knowing she's going to watch me die. And Liam's last words to me were "bring me a slushy on your way back."

If I make it out I still owe him his raspberry slushy.


"You're going to make it out and it'll be okay. When they kill me you got straight to Liam, he'll know what to do," I give her another peck wishing I could touch her soft face with my hand.

"I need you Hunny," she cries placing her forehead against mine, "I'm pregnant," she whispers.

I knot forms in my throat and I try to swallow hard for it to go away, but it seems to grow bigger. I don't know how to respond to that verbally, so I give her a few pecks on the lips followed by a smile.

She moves her head back and sees I'm smiling, "I wish I would've just told you in the car like I started to do, I wanted it to be special but I don't want our child to not have a father."

Her being pregnant pushes the clouds in my mind away so I can think of an effective way to get her and our baby out of here safely.

"What are you two talking about," I sit up against the back of the chair and Ella does the same, "I think we need to move them apart," Miro laughs taking a bite of something.

Ella looks at me with worry and I mouth, 'everything is going to be alright.'

We've both said that countless times during our stay here and I know it's going to end badly.

"Are you hungry, babe," Miro asks Ella trying to feed her something but she dodges her head and seals her lips together, "come on El, I'm trying to be nice."

"She doesn't want it, man, leave her alone," Miro turns to me and whatever food he was trying to give Ella he throws it at my chest, "she likes sushi," he laughs.

Ella hates fish, seafood, sushi, and mints chocolate chip ice cream.

"I hate sushi," Ella corrects, "and I sure as hell can't have raw sushi," she raises her voice at him.

Her dad steps up with his hands in his pockets, "do you remember what I told you almost 3 years ago when you pulled that stunt at school," he takes a step closer to her and now I can't see her face, "embarrassing not only my son-in-law but our family?"

My heart beats fast knowing these able-bodied men could do a lot more damage to her than they can to me, "as I told you, one day you're going to push me over the edge and you're going to be begging me to not kill you," he says in a low aggressive tone.

"Dad," she cries in a question before continuing, "I'm sure whatever you and King have going on it could be fixed with a simple conversation."

I can hear her sniffing back tears and fear, and when I look to my right I see Ezal standing there- like a follower.

"It's way above a simple conversation sweetheart. He has sex with my daughter, he broke into my home, his father took from your granddad is the whole reason I want his head on a stick," David explains.

My dad? My dad didn't even know them until I informed him of what's going on, he's lying to make himself look good and he's making it too obvious.

"Tomorrow is the day you should be worried for your lover's life," he threatens.

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