I beg your pardon?

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Waking up from my not so peaceful slumber, I looked to my right to see that no one else was in the room with me, even though I could have sworn that there were 3 people in this room, they don't seem to be here? The bitches left me!

Sighing, I slowly stood up from the metal stretcher that I was previously lying on. I stretched my back earning a few satisfying cracks. 'Hm how long was I out for?'

The big metal door to the infirmary opened and in came the white haired male everyone loves so much.

"Oh you're awake!" He exclaimed feigning a fake surprised face. I simply stared at him for a few seconds before (with some difficulty) using my voice.

"No, I'm fucking sleeping. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?" 'Wtf? Why does it sound like I haven't talked in years?'

"You've been asleep for 2 days Y/n-san!" The albino (rhino) haired male told me. With that I almost malfunctioned. 'TWO DAYS? HOW- I WAS GONE LIKE 5 MINUTES AGO!'

"Anyway, I'm not her to talk about your unusual sleeping habits! You are going to help me train Itadori! Got it?"

I nodded and followed the man threw the door, into the hallway and down into the room we will be meeting Yuuji. Instantly apron entry, the nostalgic smell of popcorn wafted through my nose, my eyes immediately locking on to the box of buttered popcorn the rests in the hands of my husbands vessel. Comical stars shone in my eyes as I was in front of the pinkette in an instant, snatching the popcorn from his hands and retreating back to Gojo while munching on it violently and protecting it from the possibility of Yuuji trying to steal it back. Don't blame me, even though I don't need food, I haven't eaten in two days.

"So, Itadori! You are going to learn how to control cursed energy!" Said the oh too energetic male.

"Wow, really?"
'They really are like father and son...'

"Here" Gojo turned to the display of two cans on a table "this is raw cursed energy" He brutally crushed the can on the left. I looked over to Yuuji who looks utterly amazed, before continuing to watch the sorcerer. "And this is cursed technique" He extended his hand and the can on the right twisted itself.

"WWWOOOOOOWWWWW" The pinkette exclaimed, clearly amazed.

"You can do almost anything with your cursed technique, but of course you will have to train to do it first."

"I can do anything?" He asked his teacher.

"Well, it depends on what your cursed technique is, so no."

Yuuji then deflated and laid flat against the ground, all the colour draining from within him. And then started mumbling nonsense.

"Awe, but I really wanted to do a bankai or a Rasengan!" Itadori continued to sulk until he finally had a good thought.

"Wait! Y/n-san, can't you do a Rasengan with your technique?" He asked gleefully.
And now all eyes were on me. Great. I quickly swallowed the popcorn in my mouth, being careful not to choke before clearing my throat and talking for the second time today.

"Uh, well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try... my cursed technique is literally just knock off Kakashi.. or Kakashi on crack, it's however you want to look at it. I can copy whatever I see, to some degree of course. I'm not exactly invincible! So to cut to the chase, yes, I could most likely create a Rasengan, though it won't be as glorious as Naruto's it will be something! Maybe.."

Itadori gasped and jumped to face me, his face a little too close for comfort.

"WAIT! On the topic of Naruto, the thing on your forehead looks like Neji's! What's that all about? WAIT! DOES THAT MEAN YOU CAN USE THE BYAKUGAN?" 'And now he's fanboying... wait a damn minute-'

"I beg your pardon? Me? Neji? Heh? We aren't living in an anime you know! But I do suppose it does look similar"

I got cut off by Gojo shoving his phone in my face with a picture of Neji on it

"Nuh uh, that is a carbon copy of Neji's mark!" An irk mark appeared on my head as I slapped the phone away.

"OH MY LORD! So what if it looks similar? I'm WAY older than Naruto, therefore meaning they copied me! And to answer your question Itadori, no. I cannot use the byakugan. NOW, if you will excuse me, I have a tv show about students attempting to kill their teacher to catch up on. If you need me I will be in my room. Goodbye." I finally snapped and left without another word, walking back to my room to watch said Tv show.

Gojo explained what Itadori had to do and left him to watch crappy old movies.

Word count 823

I graduate in a week...

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