Episode 15: He who assumes the role....

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Ayanokoji PoV

What a horrible loss for my class. Truly.


But this game has given me more information than I expected. Revealing Horikita and Kushida's past, Hirata's tyrant-like switch, Karuizawa's fragile history and others, Ichinose's true nature, and the disorganized situation of my classmates.

This game. It provided me what I wanted.

Truth be told, there was never really a traitor in Class D. I simply instructed a certain student to sabotage in the final round.

In Ryuen's class and Sakayanagi's class, however, probably has actual traitors. But it doesn't matter to me at the moment. What matters is the fact that my opportunity has arrived, at this very moment, my class is at their lowest point.

Trust shattered.

Friendships questioned.

Arguments ensue...

Ichinose dismantled them wonderfully in my favor. It is now my turn to mold them into people I will lead for my own personal benefit. As long as I can put on a show for the director, my freedom will be secured but there's a few hurdles in the way and future hurdles I will no doubt encounter. I wonder how much I'll struggle when they arrive.

Well, Ichinose has become the first actual hurdle. We are most likely to fight head on in a game of wits once the next opportunity arrives, which is likely the third game, whatever it may be. 

COTE: Last Elite StandingWhere stories live. Discover now