Love drives me crazy but what I've done drives me insane.

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I would like to say thank you. thank you to the readers who have been here since chapter 1 of Leaders and to the readers who catch up. thank you to the old and the new. thank you for reading my crappy work and terrible grammar areas but still telling me I have potential and the love you give me for writing.

The love I have for all of you make me continue to write. I realized maybe one day ill write something truly amazing...... and I hope one day my writing inspires others. no matter who you are, your voice is powerful and the story's you can create in your head will never be in another's. now ill get to what you really clicked on this story for...


Bellamy had been called for something after my breakdown, so that night he fell asleep almost immediately after I insisted. He didn't want to and refused to for awhile, just so I wouldn't be alone.

but I realized it would have been for the best if I hadn't turned around.

I needed to be alone and get this weight off my shoulders, but this camp was hell and I was burning in its depths.

I needed to be at a point that if the darkness of the forest consumed me, I wouldn't have to worry about everyone else.

I couldn't die because everyone else would. The fear kept me alive and I didn't want to be afraid. I wanted to meet again with all who I had lost, but I also wanted to be with everyone I still had left.

But for now I wanted to be alone.

alone, alone.

so I had to do it.

for me.

I needed to leave.

for a day or forever

I needed leave all that I'm standing in.

I sat up and moved slowly and quietly getting all I needed for my departure.

with everything packed I turn back and looked at Bellamy.

He looked like heavens warrior.

The only thing making me regret my leaving was him. and every second I was gone I would miss him, but for now he would have to understand.

I place my hand on his face and level my forehead to almost touching his.

"I love you. please know that" I say, a few tears rolling off my face

"May we meet again..and we will." I add more reassuring myself then him.

I kiss him lightly on the forehead and walk to he door, looking back one last time.

I walk to the back of camp, the whole place was dead with only a few guards watching the main entrance.

Everyone was doing what I couldn't.

Sleeping innocently

Crouching and slipping through the wires, I set off.

I didn't know where id go, or where id end up.

But I knew one thing for sure.

The first place id go.... Was home.

The drop ship.

(I love leaving you on cliff hangers.. especially when I know what happens next ;) feed back?)

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