* Authers note * i need you

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Dear readers new and old,
As you know or will now find out, the 100 was moved and won't be on until mid season in January 2016.

I thought I could handle a few months with out show base but a year is to long and I can't do anything amazing in my story is I'm so far off track.

I never really understood why someone would say they want to move on to something else ( but I respected their decision ) until now ...writing this story has done so much for me and I want to move on to something else..but I'm not sure if I can.

Don't worry. for now there will still be updates until this is figured out and there will be a book three as promised.

I finally reached the bridge of the next step and I thought it was time you crossed it with me...

You decide which path I choose
1) finish book 2 and hold until book 3, which is a couple months
2) update but like every few weeks
3) go completely off track ...forever

No matter what ...it's not goodbye.
I really need you guys to tell me what to do ..


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