Chapter 3

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(F/F) = Favorite Food
(F/D) = Favorite Drink

I slipped my shoes off at the door and moved them towards the wall with my foot.

I went to the kitchen that was connected to the dining room. (G/N) was standing in the kitchen. They held (F/F) in their oven mitt-covered hands.

"I set this at the table. Go get the (bowls/plates) and silverware; then we can eat, okay?" They walked past me and into the kitchen.

"Got it!" I walked toward the sink across the doorway and opened the cabinet to the left of the sink. I grabbed two (bowls/plates) and placed them on the counter. I closed the cabinet, opened the drawer below the counter to the sink right, and grabbed some silverware.

Now that I have both of those, I go into the dining room. The dining table was in the center in front of me. I placed the dishes in the respective places in front of the two seats.

The (F/F)  was in the center of the table. (G/N) walked in with two cups and placed one beside each dish.

"Go get (F/D) and pour it into the glasses, please."

I nodded my head and walked back into the kitchen, and opened the fridge that was next to the doorway. I grabbed the (F/D) from the fridge door, closed the refrigerator, and entered the dining room.

They were serving the (F/F) when I walked in. I poured the drinks and placed the container on the table next to the food in the center.

I sat down at the table with (G/N) to my left.

(If you have any rituals before eating, you did them now.)

We started eating our food and talking to each other about our days. "How was making friends with the girl next door?" They picked up their cup and took a sip.

"It was nice; her name is Bella, by the way. I got her phone number. I also met a boy named Jacob while I was out there. I got his number too." I crossed my fingers under the table.  'Hopefully, this will please them.'

I couldn't shake that unsettling feeling of the two staring at me when I entered my house. 'What if they were weirdos!?!'

"That is nice to hear! Maybe after dinner, we can make something for them. Especially Bella since she is the new girl, right?"

"Right," I spoke into my cup as I took a few sips.

I managed to segue the conversation onto their work that day and what they were doing while I was gone. We finished dinner with these conversations.

"Well, let's think about what we will make for Bella and your other friends.  Isn't exciting? We have only been here for two months, and you already have four friends."

They stood up and picked up the leftover (F/F) in the center of the table and went to put it into a container. I picked up the dishes and followed behind them.

"Let's see. You are friends with that blond boy across the street from us, Rodney?" They count him on their finger.

"Yes, that's his name," I said, opening the dishwasher and starting to load it.

"Then there is that Latina girl to our right, Laura?" They now had two fingers raised.

"Yep," I replied as I finished loading the dishwasher.

"Now, you have Bella and Jacob." They had four fingers raised now. "We should make them something. It has to be something small. Cookies? Brownies? Hand pies?"

I wiped the dinner table with one of the rags we keep in a drawer beside the sink. When I finished, I went down the hall to the laundry room to drop the rag into a dirty towel basket.

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