Chapter 28

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Bella's POV

"Alright, this is my room!" They opened the door with a soft creak. "You can look around for a bit if you want."

Edward pushed past me, bumping my shoulder. 'What a child.' I rolled my eyes and ignored it. My love doesn't need a fight right now.

"Wow... your room is nice." I have seen their room more times than I could count.

"Yeah, thanks," They sat down on their bed in the middle. "You don't have to compliment my room."

"I meant it; it looks-"

"Hey, (Y/N). I heard about your wrist and ankle. I will give this card to (G/N) to give to you. I hope you get better soon! Laura & Rodney," Edward read one of the cards on my desk out loud.

"Hey, do you think that is overstepping a bit on my whole "you can look around"?" They stood up from their bed.

"Sorry... The cover of the card intrigued me."  Edward fumbled with his words and presented the card to us before putting it back.

They sighed, "It's fine, just don't do that again." They got back onto their bed. "So Bella... How's Jacob?"

"Jacob is fine? Why do you ask?" My eyebrows furrowed as I squinted at them. 'Why would you be thinking about Jacob now? Is he that important?'

"Who's Jacob?" Edward added in, sitting down on the bed with them.

"Jacob is a childhood friend of hers. We met around two months ago." They opened their phone to check something. "And I asked because I thought you would know how he is doing. He hasn't been talking to me for a month now." They looked back at me.

Why are they so concerned about him? They already have the Cullens breathing down their neck every second of the day.

"Oh, he gets like that. He just got upset over something." I reassured them, sitting down opposite Edward on their bed.

"Okay, so it is nothing I did?" They fiddled with their hands. Their head dropped to peer at their lap.

"Yep. Just don't worry about it. It'll pass." I remembered how Esme had comforted them by rubbing their back, so maybe it would work if I did?

I gently placed my hand between their shoulder blades, brushed my hand down to their lower back, and repeated it.

They looked over their shoulder at me. "Are you petting me?"

I can feel my face heat up. "I guess... I was." I quickly retracted my hand as if I had received a burn and looked away from them.

Edward's POV

'Jacob? Who is Jacob? Why is Jacob around? When is he here to talk?'

'If I ever see him, I'll take care of him. They won't even know with him not being around. He is no good.'

"So, you like books." I focused on the bookcase. The shelf is packed with books, even with a few on top.

"No, I like pulling out the pages, making paper airplanes, and stringing them up to the ceiling." They fell back against their bed and stretched.

My head snapped to the ceiling. I have been in their room many times, and I never looked up there. There was nothing.

"Pfft-" They chuckled at me, curling into themself.

They looked at me, "Yeah, I do."  They lifted themselves to look at the shelf too. "Some of those were from past school assignments I had to do."

"Anyway, let's have fun!" They scooted so they had their back against the bed frame. "What do you guys want to do?" Their gaze flicked between us.

"So, (Y/N)," I looked to Bella as she spoke. I had long forgotten she was there. "Could we maybe... talk about that dream? You were so scared; what was happening?"

"Bella, this is a weird idea of fun." They looked at her weirdly.

"Well, wouldn't it... make you feel better to tell someone?" She brushed her hair behind her ear and crawled towards them. She stopped when she was seated a few inches away from them.

"Okay...but you have to tell no one. That includes you too, Edward."

"You have my word."  I could hear whispering from outside their room

'Don't come in here, I swear!'


Alice's POV

"(Y/N)!" I slammed the door open with a loud boom and rushed to them on the bed.

"I heard that you are sharing a room with Edward and Bella." I plopped on top of them, and they grunted in response. "I wanted to hang out with you too."

"Okay," They huffed, moving from underneath me to get comfortable with my current position on top of them.

'I knew it was a good idea to be so affectionate to them from the very beginning! They are so used to this that I could be as close as I want.'

"Jasper is here too! He worries about invading your privacy, though." I lifted up to point at the still-open door.

In the doorway, he stood with attention stuck on us as he watched what I was doing. "Could he join us?"

He tilted his head and held his hands behind his back. I turned back to them, " We're not intruding, right?"

"No, it's fine. He can come in, but you guys can't stay past hanging out. It is already crowded in here." They firmly stated their face was completely serious.

"Okay," I happily chirped. I turned to Jasper, "Come here!" I gestured for him to come over.

He came over in a few long strides; unfortunately, there wasn't enough space for him on the bed. So he stopped and stood at the end of the bed near Bella.

I looked at his face. He got really tense and held a pained expression. He must have wanted Bella long gone from here and to drain her. I did too, but we simply couldn't do that. Not with our love here and with her being the sheriff's daughter.

"Alright, let's not crowd around my bed." They sat up a bit, and they put their arms around me!

"Edward, can you go pull up that chair?" They pointed to their desk chair.

Once their eyes moved from him, he let his emotions show. He glared at Jasper and me. He knew it was our fault for needing to move.

I stuck my tongue out at him and cuddled closer to them. "Alice, sit up." They nudged me to take Edward's old spot.

"What?" My heart sank, and I pulled myself up to meet their gaze.

"I enjoy the cuddles, but I would like to have space." They gently pushed off, and I let them. Edward smirked at me.

"Now, Jasper, you can sit there next to Bella." They patted their bed. He followed what he was told.

His back was unusually straight, and he kept his hands in his lap.

"So, what were you guys doing here?" I looked at them, and they returned a look of reluctance.
1167 words

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