Chapter 11

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(Y/A) = Your Address

No one's POV

"If you get their number, you will win all these things." Alice excitedly explained to their new group member.  The box between them all was now up to date with the latest objects.

Edward managed to snag a pin from their bag. Carlisle's blood sample and lost item were amongst the possessions after an argument he lost. The blood vial needs to remain chilled, so it has a little cooler to itself.

"We should be watching them. They are not safe by themselves." Carlisle crossed his arms; he was unhappy that no one was watching over them.

"I agree that incident in the parking lot was too close of a call." Rosalie stood up; she was ready to go find your home and watch over you. "Carlisle, what's their address? You must know from those stupid forms."

She did have to admit that the forms were helpful, but she did not like that Carlisle knew more about you than she did. Hopefully, she could convince him to tell them everything with the excuse of the 'club.'

"(Y/A), I'm going with you." Carlisle's expression was stern and serious. He was ready to snap back at her. Rosalie and Carlisle sped out the door; everyone else followed suit.

(Y/N)'s POV

I have been in and out of sleep for what feels like hours now. The pain in my wrist and ankle waking me repeatedly. Each time I woke up, in my half-asleep daze, I saw these dark figures.

They all looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Each time I shut my eyes, they would move; some moved closer, others were further away. Some have even sat on my bed!

'Please, be a dream! Please, be a dream!'

I could never keep my eyes open for a long time; they felt so heavy. I swore the figures were talking to me or themselves. I could not comprehend it.

My heart was racing; I gripped the sheets under the covers. 'This is a nightmare!'

As quickly as they moved, one by one, they left through my window. Before each left, they kissed my forehead. There were six of these monsters.

'This is a really realistic dream!' As soon as they departed, I shifted to a different and much happier 'dream.'

Bella's POV

There has to be something wrong with those pale freaks! I can't let them get in the way of me and my darling.

I paced my room, trying to think of how to get them away from my beloved.

They are pale and cold. Edward was capable of getting to us quickly, and he managed to stop the van. He didn't even flinch; should it have hurt him if he tried to stop the van?

Yesterday, I swore their eyes changed colors. I doubt gold is a natural eye color!

'I showed look this up! What if they are monsters?' I rushed to my computer. 'I need to know if my darling is safe!'

'They are vampires! How am I going to tell (Y/N)?'

If I told them about their golden eyes, they would say they might be wearing contacts. I can't get them to question their speed and strength. They can excuse it by saying they could be pro-athletes with how rich they are.

I know! They can't explain the incident with Edward! There is no way that can be humanly possible. What if they don't remember? It's a bit foggy even for me.

I am determined; I need them to see what they indeed are. I will gather evidence, and they won't be able to deny my claim!

First, I need to learn more about the 'cold ones.' This could help me figure out what I should look out for.

Cullen's POV

Esme was home now, so they decided to have their 'club' meeting somewhere else. They all believed that six were enough members already. They were sitting in a circle in a clearing not too far from your home. They were on high alert; they did not want to reveal what they were doing to anyone.

Alice had a notepad and pen. She was quickly scribbling on the paper. "They use all of these products. I think we should adopt their routine." Alice ripped out the sixth and final piece of paper. She copied all the products' brands for each member, passing them out.

"Emmett, you were rudely searching through their drawers. What did you take? Hmm..?" Alice gave him an accusatory glare.

"I did not take anything!" Emmett lifted his hands in false innocence. His misdeed was evident by the fabric hanging out of his pocket. He inwardly tried to clear his mind so that Edward would not know.


Their attention was immediately ripped away from Emmett. All heads snapped towards the noise. They could not see it; it moved too fast for them to see it.

They all sped home and went to their rooms to get ready. School was only two hours away, after all. Unfortunately, Bella had the privilege to drive their beloved to school.

As much as they would love to drive you to school, it is too suspicious. They all dreamed of when they could live their fake normal 'human' lives with you.

Jacob's POV

I hiked through the woods as I have for the third time now. The path becomes more memorable with each pass-through: a tree with a low-hanging branch to the left; a boulder firmly planted in the ground up ahead.

Said boulder had moss and vines tied it to the dirt. It was tall enough to come to my shoulder. When I was going around the boulder, a twig snapped under my boot.

I didn't pay the twig much mind; I had a more important destination to go to (Y/N)'s home. I jogged all the way to my favorite spot beside a big tree on the outskirts of their backyard. If I needed to, I could easily hide behind the tree.

I looked up to the second-story window. I could see them clearly in the slowly rising sun. As I watched, I slipped my phone out of my pocket and searched for a particular number.

1050 Words

Please comment if you liked it or if I need to fix anything.

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