Chapter 4

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"Wa... up! Wake...! up! A cold breeze washed over me suddenly, causing me to wake up in shock. I quickly spotted (G/N) at the foot of my bed, holding my blanket.

'When did I put that on me?' I looked down. I was in my underwear, just like I remembered. "Relax, I put the blanket on you. Now hurry up! You will be late for school!" They looked at me impatiently, let out a huff, and left my room with a soft slam.

I looked to the oak bedside table to my left, where my clock rested. It was 7:00 AM; I would have 30 minutes to get ready. 'Why are they so worried? Haven't they said I'm responsible for waking myself up?'

I groaned, not wanting to leave the softness of my bed.  I looked down at the floor beside my bed. My neglected pajamas and yanked blanket is strewn on the floor as expected. 'They were telling the truth, right?'


brushed this thought off and started my morning routine. 'They will get upset with me if I don't make my bed. I should do that before I forget.' I hissed when my feet touched the cold wooden floor.

'I'm definitely awake now.' I shivered as I felt a breeze pass me.  I looked to where the draft originated. I walked over to the window and shut it.

'Why was it so hot last night but so cold this morning?'

I grabbed the sheet off the floor and placed it on my bed. I smoothed it out on my bed to the way it should be, and I was done.

I grabbed my pajamas from the floor on my way to the closet. I grabbed my outfit of choice and took a shower. In the bathroom, I was also going to brush my teeth and wash my face.

On my way out of the bathroom, I put my dirty clothes in the hamper.

I looked at the clock at my bedside to check how much time I had left. I had 10 minutes for breakfast and 20 to get to school.

I snatched up my bag next to the door and left my room. I walked through the small, dark hallway and down the stairs.

'Don't forget the cookies.' I reminded myself in my head as I turned left from the stairwell and then a right to get to the kitchen.

The four neatly-packed boxes were on the counter in the kitchen. Next to the cookies on a stool sat (G/N) in a long blue robe.

They took a sip of their coffee, stood up, and plucked a muffin off the counter. "Here, take this. I know that I say that breakfast is the most important meal, but you need to get going! You can eat a better meal at lunch!" They said as they shoved the muffin in my hands and pushed me towards the front door.

"Please, make more friends!" They made a face as if they were thinking. "At least six friends by the end of the week. I'm not going to raise a loner."

The door slammed behind me. 'Welp, it's time to get going, I suppose. I'll deliver these cookies first.' I stretched my arms above my head and went to Laura's house.

I knocked on her door, and a dark brown, coily-haired girl's head popped out. "(Y/N)! How are you?!"

"I'm good; I brought you some cookies!" I couldn't help but feel happier around the girl. She had a way of making the mostly grey and rainy town seem colorful and sunny.

"Thank you!" She opened the door all the way and reached out for the cookies. I placed them in her hands and moved out of her way so that she could leave her house.

"You're welcome!" I smiled at her. "I'm going to get going! I have a few more cookies to deliver." I gestured to the cookies in my hands.

"Alright, girl scout! Don't be late for school. It's the first day!" She teased, giving me the girl scout salute. She walked off her porch and headed down the street towards the school.

'One down and three more to go.' I walked down Laura's porch's stairs. I crossed the street and went to Rodney's house.

This time I didn't have to knock on his door. He happened to be on the porch. I climbed up the steps to him. "Hey, what are you doing sitting on the porch?" I asked.

"I'm waiting for the bus. It should be here in two minutes. What are you doing here?" The blonde boy questioned?

"I made cookies last night, and I wanted to give you some," I said as I offered him the box.

"Say no more!" He excitedly said as he snatched the box from me, ripped the box open, and gobbled the cookies

"Slow down, or you will choke!" I laughed at his hectic behavior.

He snapped his head up as the bus appeared; his face was covered in crumbs.

"These cookies are delicious! Please, make me more sometime! Gotta go!" With that, he left me standing on his porch.

'Halfway there, just Bella and Jacob to go.'

I waited for the bus to move so I could pass, and I saw Bella getting into her truck.

"Bella!!" I shouted before looking both ways and quickly running across the street.

Her head snapped over to me; unfortunately, the wind made her hair fly into her mouth. She desperately tried to spit out her long brown locks and used her hands to help herself. This gave me enough time to make it to her rusty truck.

She finally removed the hair from her face. "Hey, (Y/N). What's up?" She tried to look cool by leaning against her car, but the hand she was going to put on the truck missed.

I couldn't help but laugh as I caught her before she fell on her butt. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm completely fine. Exceptionally fine!" She nodded her head along with her words. "Since you saved me from my falls, I should really do something for you. How about I give you a ride to and from school today?"

I contemplated my choices and checked my watch. 'Shit, I only have five minutes to get to school! I have to take her offer as much as I'm not sure about her. She is sweet... just weird.'

"Sure, but first, here are some cookies. I know this may be weird since we just met yesterday." I scratched the back of my head. I was nervous she would take it the wrong way.

"Thank you so much. We really should get going now." She gently took the cookies out of my hand, put them in her bag, and got into her car.

I followed suit, and we headed off to school. 'I hope the school will not be awkward. I hope I don't met in any more weirdos.'  I crossed my fingers and grimaced for a moment but quickly stopped before Bella saw.

'I have a quota now. Just six people, just six, that is all you need.'

1206 Words

I promise to write the Cullens into the next chapter.

Please comment if you liked it or if I need to fix anything. Are the characters out of character?

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