Chapter 26

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Jasper's POV

Three reps at the door alerted me to the door. Looking down at Alice, I quietly indicated that I needed to get the door. She lifted herself off my chest and looked to the door, expectant.

At the door was them; the fall breeze wafted their scent into the house. Colorful leaves danced around their body. "(Y/N)...I didn't expect you here."

Their hands rested behind their back awkwardly. "Yeah, I want to surprise you. Is Alice here as well? I want to speak to both of you." They shifted from foot to foot.

I couldn't tell if their cheeks were rosy from the cold or something else. I should not keep them out here too long.

"Yes, she is here with me. Please, come in."  I stepped aside and opened the door wider; they entered and hid the thing behind their back.

"Alice...Jasper. I have a gift for you two."  They finally revealed what was behind their back.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Alice launched herself at them. They fell to the ground with her, and they wrapped their arms around her.

"You didn't have to do this." I gently helped them both up.

"It's okay, Jazz; I wanted to do this. I actually have something else to say..." They scratched their nape and focused their gaze on the floor.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" I can feel their nervousness coming off of them in waves.


"Jas...per. Jasper!" I was shaken violently. When I opened my eyes, I saw them in their radiant beauty. Their body has a bright outline from the light behind them.

It would have been blinding without them there. I'm thankful for it; my head is still aching.

"You must have had a really good dream if you were hard to wake. As you say, vampires do not need sleep." They rose from my side and closed the curtains.

"Yeah, I suppose so."  I felt groggy and got out of bed. I'm going to miss the warmth and scent their bed provided.

I could have laid there forever. It would have been even better to have them in my arms too.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey, what's all that white powder on you?" his voice startled me from my tidying.

'I can't believe that I left my room so messy.' I pulled a small cup to me and dropped some pens in it.

"Oh, this!" I pointed at my shirt, "I had a little fight with Emmett using flour." I tried to dust it off of me only to get no result.

"I covered him in some too." I chuckled and leaned against my desk. "(G/N) will be so upset with me for getting flour on him."

I pulled myself off of my table. "We should get going; everyone is waiting."

I left my room, leaving the door open for him.  I stood on and stared at the shabby green carpet outside my room. It had some unknown value to (G/N).

'Is it them trying to make a spin out of us needing to find an older and cheaper house? I'm certain; we never had this before our move.'

"Hey, (Y/N)," My head snapped up to see him standing before me. He looked like he was embarrassed for interrupting my internal dialogue. "Are you okay? You were just staring at the carpet."

"Oh, I'm fine." I stepped further into the hall, realizing that I was in his way from exiting my room. " I just never realized how aged this carpet looks. Anyway, we really should get going."

"Right," he closed my bedroom door behind him, and we headed to the dining room.

"Hey, everyone!" I announced our presence. Jasper followed behind me with his hands behind his back.

They all stood behind their seats, besides Bella. They occasionally spared her glance as if she was a degenerate. 'why?'

My smile faltered in my confusion. "What are you all doing? Go ahead, sit."

Esme quickly approaches me from two seats away. "Well, it's rude if we got seated before our host." She gently leads me to an empty chair at the round table.

"But I thought the guests were supposed to sit first?" I questioned as she pushed me towards the seat.

"Well, I suppose." She stopped momentarily, "You have been up on your feet for who knows how long." She pulled out the seat. "Sit now. Sit."

I still hesitated as I moved in front of the seat, scanning the table. It was beautifully organized yet cluttered. 'I don't remember doing that.'

"Edward, nicely got the table set for you." Esme practically read my mind, "We'll sit after you do, don't worry about it." She whispered so as not to embarrass me.

Carlisle will be to my left, and he tried to help his wife convince me. "Please, sit."

I let out a sigh, feeling a little childish for refusing. "Alright," I gently sat down in my seat. "I'm not used to hosting; I'm sorry."

I felt embarrassed that my first attempt at hosting was not a complete success already. 

Esme's POV


watched as they shrunk into their seat in shame.

"Oh, you are doing just fine! The job of a host is to make their guests comfortable. I feel comfortable here." I pulled them to me in a side hug, rubbing their arm.

Carlisle joined me, as he bent over in his seat to look at their eyes. "I'm comfortable too. Besides, this is your first; there might be some mistakes because of that."

They seemed to have cheered up at our words. They were back to the slightly cheerful self from before.

The night went on without any further problems, except one. Bella.

She was as far from them at the table as we could manage and was still an issue. She kept talking to them and interrupting us. I, however, had the great idea of using the cookies as a distraction.

"I saw a new book was going to be added to the-"

"Would you like a cookie?" I interrupted Bella.

1017 Words

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