Chapter 22

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Bella's POV

I scoffed, 'how much fun can those pale people be?' I plopped on my bed.

'They could be hanging out with me, but nooo.' "Ugh!"

My head hit a hard object on my bed. "Ow!" I sat up and looked behind me, holding my head.

I saw the book that I got at the library when I was hanging out with (Y/N). "It wouldn't hurt to read a few pages."

"Hidden Devotion"

"Annabelle, are you sure you want to live with your father? You can come with us on the road." Ruth, my mother, reassured me.

She was going to live a life on the road with her new husband. They are going to go on many fishing trips and sporting events.

"I need to go there. I barely know my dad. I only see him for two weeks a year." I responded with a fake longing to see my dad. I honestly didn't want to go, but I didn't want to be on the road more.

"Hey, I had a conversation like that with my mother." I flipped the pages. "When will I meet the neighbor?" I scanned the pages with my finger as a guide.

"Okay, only three more pages."

Annabelle was a pale girl with a strange fashion sense. She always wore dark colors and long sleeves. It wasn't a fitting wardrobe for Arizona weather. It is a good thing she was going to Washington.

"Ready to go to the house, Bell." My father was the sheriff of the spoons police force, Chris.

"Yeah." I didn't want to say too much to him. It felt too awkward even to consider it.

"Your hair is shorter." He wanted to start a conversation with me desperately.

I fiddled with the tips of my long, dark brown hair. "I have cut it since we last saw each other.

I lifted a lock of hair off my shoulder. I am finding numerous similarities between Annabelle and me.

"Hey, I'm (MC). Can I help you guys?" I whipped around to spot a beautiful person in front of me. I was too stunned to speak.

Their hair shined beautifully in the sun, and their eyes were as bright as jewels. They dressed as casually as I was, yet they looked so formal. They looked important somehow.

"Sure, more the merrier." My dad said for me, snagging a duffle bag from the back. "Take a bag and follow Bell."

"Bell? Is that your name?"

A deep blush appeared on my face. I felt warm inside, and I curled further into my bedsheets. I giggled like a school girl remembering how I met them.

Their hair shone in the sun, and their eyes rivaled any gem's luster. Like the book, they dressed casually, yet it looked formal to me. 'I guess it was the way they held themselves.'

They had this air of confidence. Like they were proud of how far they had come and did not think they were better than everyone else.

They also seemed stoic in an "I don't want anyone to know how much of a softie I am" way.

That refreshed the memories of the times they seemed to care about my opinion.


The loud noise from outside startled me. I jumped and yelped. My heart was beating out of my chest. My head whipped to the window.

'What was that noise?' I placed my hand over my chest. 'I need to find out the source.'

I tried to rush out of bed, but I got tangled in my purple bedsheets. I fell face-first with a loud thud. I jumped right back up and ran to the window.

Three people were standing in front of (Y/N)'s dining room window. The dining room's light was still on, providing little sight of the three.

Two men and a woman were peering through the window. The woman had long, curly, red locks. The man holding on to her had short blonde hair in a ponytail. The remaining man had a dark skin tone and long hair.

They looked like they were discussing something and that they meant harm. They would point at the window, their faces contorting in different degrees of anger.

The blonde and ginger seem to be arguing the most between each other. At the same time, the black man appears to keep a level head.

I was happy to remember that (Y/N) was not home. Even though they were somewhere else, I didn't want them to be.

I wish I could make them back off, but I am a frail little girl compared to those three. I need to get evidence and warn (Y/N)!

I could convince them that they would only be safe at my house. I would keep the curtains shut at all times so no one knows they're here.

I didn't want to look away from the trio. It felt like I was frozen to the spot. My heart was racing, and my mind was brewing many thoughts.

I reached for the camera on my desk in front of the window. Again, I did not want to look away, so I tapped at the table, searching for it.

I looked down when my fingers grazed the cool metal of the camera. I finally had it in my grasp.

A hand swiftly went over my mouth, and I was about to scream. "Don't scream." The voice was a man's and deep.

I could feel his body pressed against mine. His other arm has encircled my waist, holding me still.

I looked down at the hand and followed up to the wrist. The hand had a dark skin tone and was freezing cold.

"If you don't say anything, I will not kill you. Am I understood?" The voice spook again. He removed his hand from my mouth and moved it to my throat. He wanted an answer.

"I will tell no one. Why were you peering into their house?" I whispered; I was too scared to raise my voice any higher.

"That is something you do not need to know." The cold arms vanished, and when I spun around, he was gone too.

'Oh, (Y/N), I hope you are okay.'
1042 Words

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