Chapter 18

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(Y/N)'s POV

I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door. I checked the time, hoping it was not too late.

The door swung open, revealing Alice, then Jasper, and the rest of the siblings to follow suit.

Alice and Emmet looked ecstatic to see me. Jasper and Edward looked like they expected me to be here. Rosalie was clearly happy to see me but wanted to keep a 'cool' and 'mysterious' aura.

"Hi, you guys!" I awkwardly spoke, not expecting the door to swing open that suddenly.  "Do you want to go to the mall with me?" I combed a hand through my hair as if it would make me look more presentable.

"Yes!" Alice cheered, exiting the house. She had everything ready beforehand; it made sense because I did call before coming here.

We all piled into two cars. I was in the car with Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Rosalie. Emmett was driving a different vehicle, but he did call one of the others and is now on speaker.

I sat in the middle seat at the back between Alice and Jasper. I have grown used to Alice's forwardness as she admired my nails. However, it would be hard to get over how she tells her boyfriend all about it.

I even thought it was weird that she was doing it in front of her boyfriend. I guess it shouldn't be too odd since they are together and probably for a long time. He must have been used to her shenanigans for a while now.

I don't understand what was so interesting about my appearance. Every time I am with her, she admires something about me. I don't know what is so special.

"Alice," I whispered to her. I grabbed Alice and Jasper's attention. "What is so special about my looks? You keep admiring me when we are together."

"Oh, it's not all about your looks. You have a beautiful personality too. If it bothers you that I do this, I will stop." Alice responded, holding my hand with both of hers.

"No, it does not bother me." I blushed deeply and glanced at Jasper. "I just wondered why?" Jasper and Alice watched me closely.

They both looked at me sympathetically. "(Y/N), we both think you are rather stunning." Jasper grabs my other hand.

It felt so weird to have them be so close. It felt...intimate. We abruptly parked, quickly interrupting our conversation and spooking me.

"We're here." Rosalie took out the keys and slammed the car door. Emmett is parking smoothly to our right. Alice and Jasper have their arms crossed over me to prevent me from being pushed forward.

We went into the mall and found Rosalie waiting on the benches in the center. Her arms were crossed, and I sat next to her. I wanted to know why she was upset.

"Rosalie," she looked at me; the others had caught up to us. I finally noticed it. They all have golden eyes. "Are Golden eyes genetic in your family?"

Rosalie's POV

"What?" I looked at them, confused. My anger was quickly wiped away when I heard their voice, how they called my name in concern for me.

"Are Golden eyes genetic in your family? All of you have golden eyes." They leaned closer to me, looking at my eyes with a fondness for them.

"Yes...they are," They didn't need to know that we all are not related to each other.

"Well, what did you want to do here?" Emmett interrupted. I shot a glare at him while they were looking away.

"Oh, I wanted help picking an outfit for dinner tomorrow." They sheepishly said, scratching their neck.

"Alright, this is the first outfit." They pulled the drapes to the room. They wore a(n) (F/C) dress shirt and black dress pants.

They looked stunning. "What do you guys think?" They do a slow turn. I imagined myself dancing with them to soft music in the moonlight.

(Y/N)'s POV

Edward stood up from the bench. "You look perfect."

"Jasper, look at them; they look good in everything." Alice cuddled closer to Jasper, and he nodded in agreement. He took a deep breath. He looked tense? 'I'll have to ask him about it later.'

Emmett added in his usual attitude towards you. "You look hot!"

Rosalie was the last to say anything. She started to clap, smiling at me. "You look amazing." She stood up and hugged me.

"I suppose I don't have to try many more outfits now. I only need one more; then we can do something else."

I step back into the changing booth and undress to put on my next outfit.

"Here's the next one." I return to the group wearing an (F/C) dress with gold/silver accents at the bottom.

(If you don't like any of the outfits, that's okay! You can imagine something else.)

All of them loved the dress and had their various reactions.

The six of us had shopped around at the mall for a couple of hours. They got me to get multiple little trinkets and jewelry.

I felt so guilty for all of the gifts. I didn't have money to afford to buy all of them gifts. 'I should get a job, and then I will be able to buy them enough gifts to make up for this.'

I noted who gave me what so I could pay them back. I should also figure out what each of them likes. 'It would be pointless if they don't like the gift.'

I have given them my phone number, so that I can talk to them more. 'This is probably what my Guardian wanted, to flood my phone's contacts.

Home was a comforting thought, even though I loved hanging out with them.  At least at home, I could escape getting gifts.

"Thank you, you all! I had a fun time. I'll see you guys at dinner tomorrow."

1004 Words

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