Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s POV

I kicked random pebbles that lined the cracked concrete sidewalk on my way to school. It's currently 7:30 in the morning as I dragged myself to the large school building. Many vehicles and fellow students passed by me on their own route to school.

It was my second day of school. I had four days left to make six new friends. I was not sure that I could count the Cullens as friends just yet. I did only meet them yesterday.

I have known Bella and Jacob for three days now. I feel like I rushed the process a little, becoming friends with them. I knew them for a few hours, and I gave them my number! I invited one of them to my home!

I either have to talk to him more so that I would be more comfortable with him at my house or make an excuse.

'I wish I took on these friendships more slowly.' I thought this, yet (G/N) probably thinks I'm going at a snail's pace.

I currently held a lunch box I had to make for Bella at (G/N)'s request. Hopefully, Bella doesn't mind something really simple. They did spring this Idea on me when I was getting ready.

With one final kick of a pebble, I made it to the school's parking lot. I was honestly proud of myself that I made it here. I had my eyes focused on my feet the whole journey.

'Should I give this to her now or wait until lunch?' I pondered as I walked over to the familiar red rusty truck.

Bella was leaning against the side of the truck, listening to music. She was in her own little world; no one could distract her from it.

I only needed two more steps before reaching her, but I got distracted by a loud noise. I turned around and saw a van coming towards us. I had no idea what to do; my mind's first thought was to protect Bella.

I lunged toward Bella, wrapped my arms around her, and braced for the impact that could kill me. I was so scared. My heart was beating out of my chest as I sat on the cold, wet pavement, holding Bella as close to me as possible. Tears came to my eyes. 'I don't want to die.'

'Why did the car not hit us yet?' I hesitantly lifted my head from Bella's shoulder. I saw Edward; he had his hand against the other vehicle. A considerable dent was on the van surrounding his hand.

I was too relieved to care about his odd capability to stop the previously approaching vehicle. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hugged him tightly and bounced with each thank you.

However, I was still a bit shaken up. I oddly felt a bit weak and dizzy. 'I feel like I'm going to throw up.' The only thing holding me up in a sitting position was Edward's cold, muscular arms.

"Ed...ward," I was fading in and out of consciousness. I slowly descended downward against the cold arms that held me. Those said arms slowly lowered me down to the ground. Distantly, people were shouting, asking if we were okay; at least it felt distant.

The last faces I saw were the Cullens and Bella. She was swaying in the position that I had held her in. She was going to faint too.

With the last of my strength, I extended my arm across the pavement to catch her head when she made her descent. My sight disappeared entirely, the slowly muffling sound around me completely stopped, and my body went numb.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I last remembered being on cold, wet pavement and shouting around me. Now, I was on a soft, cushiony bed with a faint beeping in the background.

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