Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV

During the ride to our school, we had a conversation among ourselves to kill the awkward silence. At first, our conversation was rather...stagnant. We would ask basic questions and give short answers. It was until we were halfway to school that we got invested in our conversation.

Our conversation did not end when we entered the parking lot. Since class did not start for another 30 minutes, we stayed seated and talked. We planned on leaving in 15 minutes.

"Hey, you remember when you were talking about (F/B) yesterday? I started rereading my copy." Bella smiled as if she had accomplished something. I did not care to question it; I was excited to talk about it.

"How far are you in the book? I can read the book a thousand times." I was practically bouncing out of my seat.

"I have read... five chapters so far." She had a brief pause as she tried to remember. She blushed a little as if she was embarrassed.

"That's pretty good. The chapters are pretty long." She nodded along with me as I reassured her. "You said that you were rereading it, right? Can we talk about the book beyond the fifth chapter? I don't want to ruin anything." I felt crumby at the thought of ruining the book.

"Yes, I'm rereading it. And, of course, we can talk about the book." Bella reassured me, placing a gentle hand on my arm that rested on the panel between us.

"Okay!" I started to beam again and began to rant about (F/B). 'Maybe, she is not all too bad. I just let my brain run miles ahead of me.' Bella nodded her head at specific points in our conversation. She even cracked jokes with me.

My fun had to be cut short; unfortunately, it was time to get going. We both left the truck connected at the hip.

I squealed when I compared my schedule with hers. We had the two classes together. I felt like I could talk to Bella about anything, strangely. I was creeped out by her before, but now I love talking to her.

I still felt some dread at the thought of making friends. 'Isn't four enough?' I sighed and shook my head as I entered the Biology class with Bella.

The teacher was at the front of the classroom at his desk. We had to report to him to get our textbooks.

I walked over and stood next to the fan with Bella. Both of us noticed this pale boy with dark brown hair. He was looking at us, grimaced, and covered his nose. 'What is his deal?'

"Miss Swan, you will sit next to Johnathan. Raise your hand, Johnathan!" The teacher had to yell his command across the loud classroom. "And you will sit next to Edward here." He pointed towards the same disgusted boy.

I sighed and looked sadly at Bella before departing for our seats. He seemed to attempt not to look disgusted when I sat down.

"Hi...I'm Edward." He told me. He seemed to struggle to talk; he was trying his hardest not to breathe.

"Hey, I'm (Y/N)," I replied to him, rolling my eyes.  'Do I truly smell that bad?'

Edward's POV

They were so beautiful/handsome and smelled so sweet. They smelled like they would taste so good. 'Get yourself together, Edward!'

They seem to be frustrated with my behavior, trying to sit as far away from me as possible. Fortunately, the table only let them get so far. They were still so close to me. I could see their bright (E/C) eyes. 'They looked like precious gems. I would protect the brightness in their eyes forever.'

We were getting instructions for our lab, but I did not care to pay attention. I was 'too' focused on (Y/N). Their name fits them perfectly; everything about them was perfect, my gem.

Their eyes occasionally darted in my direction. "Can you stop? You are creeping me out with all of your staring." They whispered to me; their eyes were still stuck on the teacher ahead of us.

'Shit, I creeped them out!' I blushed as I snapped my head forward, pretending to pay attention. I still stole some glances at them. I kept a calm face, but I was panicking internally.

'What do they think of me?' I looked at them from the corner of my eye and focused on them. All I received from my investigation was sharp pains. I could not comprehend their thoughts; they all sounded jumbled and too fast to understand.

"Ugh." I quietly groaned. I grabbed the attention of my lab partner.

"Hey, are you okay?" They asked me. They didn't have to hide that they were talking to me now that our assignment had started. "Do you have a headache or something?"

"Yeah," I rubbed my temples to soothe the ache. The pain subsided as fast as it came, thankfully. "I think it's starting to go away."

"That's good." They looked past my head and through the window beside us. "It's raining!" They clapped their hands and bounced in their seat. 'They like rain.'

I gave a small smile. "Do you like the rain?"  They looked so happy. 'I hope they will be this happy when we get married.'

I spent the rest of class getting to know them and becoming friends. I used the excuse that we would be lab partners for the rest of the year. They seemed to agree with this notion. 'Hopefully, I fixed all the damage I caused in fifteen minutes.'  The bell rang, and we left the class together.

"What's your next class? Mine's history with Mr. Thompson." They said as we went through the cramped halls.

"I have math. But you have the same class as my sisters, Alice and Rosalie."

"Are they as nice as you are?" They teased me. I chuckled at their comment.

"Sadly, you will have to find out when you get in because we're here." I gestured to their classroom door.

"Oh, right. See you around?" They were disappointed that our conversation had to end short. I felt a warmth inside; I haven't felt that way in a long time, not since I turned into a vampire.

I watched them disappear into the classroom, draining me of the warmth. The only thing that made me feel better was that I would see them tomorrow.

Alice's POV

was sitting at the back of the class with Rosalie. The tables were in rows, and each table had three people at each but ours.

I was chatting with my sister until class started. The teacher said there will be a new student today. I was confused. 'I should have seen that, right?'

"Rosalie, I am confused. I should have seen this. I've tried seeing it, but everything is blurry, and it hurts to try to see our new classma...Look!" I blurted and pointed at the new student.
1174 Words

I started introducing the Cullens. Yay!
Please comment if I need to fix anything or if you liked it!

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