Chapter 17

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(F/N) = Food Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey, Bella." I enter her car and buckle myself in. She was sitting in the driver's seat, stowing away a book in her bag and placing it on the floorboard of my seat.

"Hey!" She chirped and smiled at me. "Are you ready to go"?" She placed her hands on the wheel, ready to drive.

"Yes." I placed my bag on the floorboard next to Bella's. "How was school for you, Bella?" I made eye contact with her through the rearview mirror.

"It was great, especially when lunch came around." She smiled lightly.

I had sat with her at lunch, and that's probably why she enjoyed it. She is so shy, and she seems to have grown attached to me as of late.

"And your day?" She questioned me, offering a glance in my direction.

"It was alright; I haven't had the chance to talk to the Cullens today. I need to because I might have to have dinner at their house, and I want to dress appropriately." I looked out the window at trees and houses as we zoomed past.

Bella's POV

I gripped the wheel tighter; I tried to keep my cool. "Why do you have to have dinner at their house?" I tried to keep a relaxed tone to not reveal my jealousy.

"Apparently, they are new here, just like we are, and their mom invited my mom and me. You know, to get to know us." They answered, pulling out their phone to look at something.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, hoping that my curiosity was not questionable.

"I'm texting my mom. I have to plan the dinner with Esme, and I'm asking if she arrived." They continued to type.

"Who's Esme?" It slipped out of my mouth, and I immediately knew who she was after. Hopefully, they don't think I'm stupid now or I'm not paying attention.

"The Cullens' mom." They answered. "Do you think I'll have to get a fancy outfit? She looked wealthy. Do I need to dress like her? I don't have an outfit for that?" They started to panic out loud, letting their phone fall onto their lap.

"You can ask her when you get there. If you do, you do," I cursed myself silently; I sounded like my father.

We have arrived at their house. A shiny car sat in the driveway where it used to be empty. She was here, and they had to talk to her.

They looked like their nervousness intensified now that they were sitting in the driveway. They obviously were trying to get themselves together. 'I have to help them somehow, right?'

I placed my hand on their shoulder, rubbing it with my thumb. Their attention snapped to me. "You are going to be okay."

(Y/N)'s POV

I have finally reached my door. Bella told me; I didn't have to go inside. I would have liked to agree, but I didn't want to deal with my mom's wrath.

I looked back at her before unlocking the door. She smiled and gave me two thumbs up from inside her truck.

With a deep breath, I opened the door. There was a faint smell of baked goods and the sound of laughter. It felt light-hearted and easy to slip into. It made it easier to relax.

"I'm home!" I called, hanging my bag on a nearby hook and sliding my shoes off. I immediately considered putting my shoes back on, but I was beaten to the punch; Esme was here.

"Hello, (Y/N)," she smiled as she approached. "We have been waiting for you." Her smile seemed to widen, and (G/N) popped up over her shoulder.

"Are you allergic to anything?" Esme asked as soon as I sat down.

"No, I'm not allergic to anything./ Yes, I'm allergic to (F/N)."

She took out a notepad and pencil, jotting down my response. "Are there any foods you hate?" She peered over her notepad.

"No./ Yes, I don't like (F/N)." I winced at my words. 'I shouldn't have used contractions in my sentence.'

"Alright, that's all my questions for you." She turned to face both of us. Her notepad had the answer to the ten questions she asked me.

"When should we have this dinner and where? I know you said both houses, but which one this time?"

"Would tomorrow work at your house?" They looked at Esme and me for clarification. I knew my opinion had to be a yes, no matter what I truly wanted.

"That would work just fine." Esme smiled, and I nodded. "Should we do it at six?"

Esme left our home not long ago, and everything had already gone downhill. (G/N) had sent me to my room to finish my homework and find something nice to wear.

If I couldn't find anything, I would have to get the Cullens' help, based on (G/N)'s words. As awkward as it would be, I feel like that was the case.

Esme had given us her phone number and address, so I grabbed my phone and gave her a call. In the meantime, I looked at my homework for the weekend and thought of how I should phrase it to Esme that I needed help.

"Hello, (Y/N)," she picked up my call.

"Hey, Esme! Would it be okay if I went to your house? I needed to ask your sons and daughters something?" I tried to hide my nervousness. I had an odd fear that she would be arrogant like the rich people in movies.

"Sure, that would be fine. I am glad you seem to know my children already." She chuckled. "I'll wait for you." She hung up the phone.

Esme's POV

I ended the call with my love and looked at my children and husband. "As you may have heard, they will be here soon. I will be taking this box since I did get their number first."

I grabbed the box and placed it on my lap. "What should be the next goal?" I looked at each face before me. Edward scowled at me for a minute. Rosalie and Alice scrunched their faces, clearly not pleased with my victory.

"Have them come to the house unprompted to see one of us?" Edward said. "I mean it as they wanted to hang out with one of us. And we didn't ask them to." He added before we could interject.

"That's fair." Emmett agreed. "Esme, you must put your new possessions away before they come here. We will have to reuse the box."

I nodded my head and went straight to Carlise and my room. Someone else followed suit, my husband. His arms wrapped around me from behind.

"My love, do you think we can share them? Our love and admiration." He kissed from my shoulder to my neck. He stopped looking at me from there; his gold eyes, even after many years, still stunned me with their beauty.

"Of course, we can. I have already wanted to share with you the love of my life. I have one question, though." I rubbed his arms absentmindedly.

"Yes, my dear," He continued to kiss until we reached my ear to whisper to me.

"When should we tell them we are vampires?"

1225 Words

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