Chapter 10

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(s/p/p) = small prized possession

Carlisle's POV

I entered their room and was immediately bombarded by their sweet and intoxicating scent. They looked absolutely exquisite. They hadn't noticed me yet; my entry was silent. I listened to their conversation.

"You are not going to walk to school again!" Their guardian, I assume, glared at the patient.

"But (G/N), we do not have a car! You don't trust busses!" They sat up in their bed and pulled their blankets up with them. Their voice is angelic; I could listen to their voice forever.

'I would drive you anywhere you want to go, baby.'

Their 'guardian' huffed and stomped their foot, upset that their child was right. They struggled to find words.

"Well, I don't know what to do yet, but you are not walking to school, and that is for sure!" They pointed their finger at the (H/C)-haired patient.

"How am I going to school then? Besides, it happened in the school parking lot. It can happen again no matter how I got there." They crossed their legs at the ankle. They winced and uncrossed their ankles.

They twisted their right ankle and sprained their left wrist; I wrapped them when they first came in. I looked at the document that the nurse handed me.

'They are 18 years old. I can have them all alone.'

One of my children tried to end the family dispute before us. "We can drive them to and from school." My boy, Edward, gestures to himself and his siblings. They gave a thoughtful nod.

"I'll think about it. That is sweet of you..." They paused so that he could tell them his name.

"Edward, I go to school with your child." He gave a small smile.

"I go to school with them as well. I can also drive them to and from school!" Bella straightened up and held the patient's hand.

I decided to introduce myself now that the argument was nearing an end. "Hello, I'm Dr. Cullen. I see you have met my children." My eyes sweep over the group before falling back on the two.

"Hi, my name is (G/N), and this is (Y/N)." They gesture to themselves then to their child.

"I apologize, but I will have to ask all of you to leave. They do not need to have anyone with them  because they are 18." I gave the guardian a fake sad smile.

"I will be in the waiting room. Don't worry a single bit." They rubbed their arm and left the room. As the proper gentlemen I am, I opened the door for them.  They smiled at me. "Please, take good care of my baby." They had a worried expression.

"I'll give them the best care I can." I gave them a confident smile and turned to my children, who were waiting to go through the door. As each one passed, they gave me an upset look. They were jealous.

The last one to go was Bella. She looked the most furious. When she exited, I shut the door immediately after her.

"Alright, let's get started." I smiled brightly as I sat in the swivel seat beside their bed. "Full name," I clicked my pen and adjusted the forms in my hand.

"No, I don't have (insert disease here) in my family." They answered the last questions on the forms.

"Congrats, you have finished the forms!" I cheered, placing the forms on their bedside table. "Now, we need to run a few tests to see why you had that fainting spell. Is that okay?" I stood up from my seat.

"Sure, I don't mind." They adjusted in their sitting position. They have been sitting in the same place for a long time.

"Let's start with a blood test. Follow me; we will have to head to the lab. " I lifted their sheets off of them.

They swung their legs over the side of the bed and winced when they tried to use their wounded wrist to lift themselves. "Ahh, shit," they hissed under their breath, rubbing the injured wrist.

"May I assist?" I offered my arm as a support rail. They took it with their good hand. "Watch your ankle," I warned as they slowly put their right foot down.

They applied a small amount of pressure to my arm as they lifted themselves off the bed. Shortly after getting up, they fell forward; luckily, I caught them before they fell to the floor.

"Easy, are you okay?" Their head was against my shoulder. They quickly pulled away with a blushing face. 'They're embarrassed!'

"Y-yes, I'm completely fine."

"Great, well, let's go on our way now." I lead them to the lab.

"Take care, you two! Drink plenty of fluids!" I called after them as they left through the front doors.

I wish that I could have kept them here for a bit longer. Unfortunately, my staff would raise a few brows because they seem entirely healthy. It was already a risk to have those labs done.

However, I managed to get an extra vial of blood that was more than necessary. 'I have something of my angel's.' I went to their previously occupied room. The janitors would not come in to clean for another 30 minutes. 'Maybe, they left something here.'

I scoured the room, and the only product of my search was a/an (s/p/p). 'I have two things of theirs.' I held it close to my chest.

'Someone's coming!' I whipped my head towards the door. 'I need to get to my office!' I took the risk and used my vampire speed to zoom off to my office.

All of my children were waiting for me in the living room, each of them adorned with a look of jealousy and anger. There was a red shoe book in the middle of the coffee table.

"Come here, Carlisle." Edward dared to order me and pointed at a vacant spot next to Rosalie. I decided to obey this one time.

"Put your items in the box." Edward lifted the lid, revealing random objects: three pens, a used tissue, a candy wrapper, and two pennies. "I can read your thoughts; I know you have something of theirs."
1048 words

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